Thursday, June 30, 2022

Liberation Came From the Lord

By a perverse pharaoh, they were enslaved,
He only fed them with crumbs and dust.
All of them were massacred.
For the Egyptians, they made statues,
In hard work, they were forced.
The Lord has changed that story,
With Moses and Aaron, He made a covenant.
Talking to them about good liberty,
Ridding them of slavery and torment.
Many have believed in their words and followed them,
Moses spoke to the pharaoh the word of the Lord,
Begging for the liberty of their people,
But, the heart of the pharaoh has hardened.
The much-dreamed departure has not happened.
In that land, God made signals and wonders,
Even so, the pharaoh did not believe.
He had magicians and many things they did.
Then, a big plague, God sent,
Killing all firstborns of the whole land,
Ridding only the Hebrews of this evil.
After that, the pharaoh feared them,
The late and dreamed departure, he gave them.
The Hebrews were getting out of Egypt,
They were almost out, but a pursuit started,
Many chariots and riders were going to them.
The Lord freed them again,
Opening the sea for them to pass through,
All sons of Israel have passed.
When in the sea, the Egyptians entered,
Then, by the Lord, the sea was closed.
All riders, they have seen die in the sea.
One great deliverance like that, only the Lord gives.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume I.

See the book:

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Bizarre Service

Many churches do a bizarre service,
People are falling everywhere; it is a confusing service.
It seems there is no order or decency,
People cry out in loud voices without any reverence.
The pastors say that everything is part of the “supernatural”,
The church does not follow God's word, but the emotional.
For them, the important is everyone falling on the ground,
This is the signal the “spirit” is pouring his unction out.
The church turns into a ridiculous thing with this “unction”,
The people stay in a trance, and this is not a biblical direction.
Other people fall and begin to cry, yell, and flounce,
Seeing this, many people will ask, is God in this place?
According to the word of the Lord, He is not in confusion,
The Lord dwells in each one in a rational service with adoration.
The service pleasing to the Lord happens with gentleness,
The Holy Spirit will come to all hearts in calmness.
The Holy Spirit will talk about what each one needs to hear,
With his gentle and soft voice, He gives strength to the tired.
This order and decency make the Lord's heart pleased,
With a decent worshipping, his presence will always be here.

Preaching at Any Cost

Unfortunately, most of the churches invented a new “god”,
It is a mixing of pagan gods with the Jews' God.
It is a new god, a modern, different, and rewarding god,
The statements of people are obeyed by this god.
For the followers of this god, salvation is the last thing,
In faithful people's lives, the unique matter is to profit and gain.
Inside their churches, they do not say words like love and help,
The unique thing they teach is the believer must prosper.
They are close to God with their lips, but in their hearts, they negate Him,
Everyone has already forgotten the sacrifice of Christ for salvation.
Some of them are practically selling the Lord's Grace,
They extort faithful people saying that Heaven is for those who pay.
And when someone talks against them, he is considered an apostate,
Those who defend the word of God are not considered.
Nobody can rise and talk against the Lord's “anointed”,
They even say the leader is there because God put him.
And only the Lord can judge and condemn him.
Lord God! Following this way, where are we going?
There are many lies, and the unbelievers do not believe in anything.
The false masters are leading people to destruction,
Lord, raise true people, people after your heart's intentions.
People who only talk the words said and taught by the Lord,
People full of the Holy Spirit to testify the coming of the Savior.

Anxious Await

Many people want anxiously to meet you,
They wait for the great day when they will see you.
They are desirous for the moment they will contemplate you,
Everyone is waiting for someone to proclaim your name.
Those who wait so long are those who are lost,
Their souls have a strong desire for Christ's love.
Their souls get thirsty, and want to pray and adore you,
For them to do this, they need someone to preach about you.
They need someone to introduce the gospel to them,
Someone who takes God's word seriously like a commitment.
One person who talks only the words of the Lord,
One evangelist, one person separated by God.
All those who were baptized already are good evangelists,
They need to do their role in the gospel, being preachers.
For all places, they must announce the message of the Lord,
Giving the lost ones the opportunity to meet their Savior.
When everyone meets the Saviour, new people will be,
The desire to evangelize will be one thing wholeheartedly.
This desire makes the newly converted go to preach,
For everyone, the love of Jesus Christ, He wants to spread.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

God Works to Save

The Lord makes everything to the people change,
He sends many prophets and his truth, they proclaim.
God shows signals and wonders for people to believe,
For people to notice and repent, God makes all of it.
The Lord wants his sons to come back to his ways,
God is merciful and does not want them alone and far away.
He knows that alone they cannot be saved,
And He makes everything so they change their bad ways.
Even with so much love, many people stay walking lost,
They have already heard, but they do not believe in this love.
They think the great love of God is only another invention,
They believe there is no God and there is no compassion.
With this thought, they keep practicing big sins,
They think they will be rewarded for their abominations.
They have a strong idea that there will never be a condemnation,
And they convince other people that God is an illusion.
In the past, this behavior against God has already been seen,
The people of Israel did not believe nor repent of their sins.
For a long time, the Lord stopped his hand and indignation,
He always gave a new opportunity to that nation.
Even the Lord being pious and not wanting to punish them,
They did not hear, and his wrath, God began to put on them.
Many people died by the sword, by the plague, and by famine,
The Lord showed that one should trust in Him and not in men.

One Flock and the Wolves

The whole flock wants to be led to the Creator,
Every one of them wants to be led to the Lord.
The sheep do not want to walk alone and scattered,
They know the flock needs a good leader.
Knowing this need of the flock, the wolves will infiltrate,
The flock will trust them because of the good words they will say.
The poor little sheep do not know they are following the evil,
None of them sees that the path followed is mortal.
The wolves lead the flock, getting it out of the Lord's light,
These leeches are devouring the Creator's people's lives.
They do the sheep donate even its last wool lint,
The wolves promise if they donate, a good future is coming.
The sheep with little knowledge believe in everything,
They think their wolf-shepherd is the best in the world.
They cannot notice they are walking to the butchery,
They do not notice they eat grass and the wolf-shepherd, the best things.
For these sheep, there is only one chance to survive,
The good shepherd has to come and clean their eyes.
One shepherd that will be sent by the Lord, a lovely shepherd,
One shepherd who cares about the flock and will not lead it to death.

New Doctrines

Some people do everything and claim they are preaching,
They say the name of Jesus they have to proclaim.
They do not matter about the way they will announce it,
They do not think they will evangelize or ridicule it.
This preaching at any cost deviates from the truth,
Non-believers do not see a real gospel in what they do.
It seems the preacher wants to promote himself,
Many preachers do not matter if they corrupt the gospel.
They mix the gospel with all kinds of abominations, 
They introduce things of paganism into the Christian religion.
The preachers promote some parties and many events,
Many of them are very lost, and they build and love monuments.
To justify themselves, they use some texts from the Bible,
But they use them incorrectly because they are distorted.
When someone questions, they say they must reply to the Lord,
They do not accept any people to be their mentors.
The faithful people follow everything with big naturalness,
Without noticing, they participate in much wickedness.
Some of them know they are practicing the wrong things,
They do not go away because they were not freed of the sin.
To stop this aberration, it is needed to come back to simplicity,
Always studying the scriptures and analyzing every novelty.
Only in this way, it is possible to preach in the way that Christ taught,
Knowing his word, we will know who was sent by the Lord.


One day, the master wrote: everything is vanity.
Many read this word, but in this truth, they do not believe it.
They observe the vanity only in the act of becoming attractive,
They do not pay attention, and everywhere there is vanity.
If you did not notice, read to begin to see it.
There is vanity when someone buys something new to show themselves,
They purchase what they do not need for others to envy them.
If they see someone with some good, they buy another better,
They do it only to create inferiority feelings in their brother.
The unique thing the other sees in the person is their appearance,
In all places they are, the person wants to show themselves,
The person always wants everyone to notice they are there.
In all kinds of events or situations, they must get attention,
They need to be seen and increase their self-appreciation.
The person tries to show herself even in the house of God,
They do everything in the church to have an opportunity at the altar.
The desire to be on the altar is not to praise and exalt the Lord,
The person desires to go there for everyone to see them,
They want to be seen by people, then, they have reasons to praise them.
After this quick reading, you have noticed where the vanity is.
Even where there should be a place to praise and adore, it does exist.
The selfishness controlling the heart is the root of the vanity,
Everyone always wants to satisfy themselves in their living.
Nothing satiates those who live in vanities,
They will desire everything and will never get it.
These people are far from the words of the Lord,
Their hearts have deviated, and they do not serve God.
They should remember the words said by Jesus Christ,
The best to do is to serve others during your Christian life.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

One Blessing

Oh, Lord! I am a big sinner,
I am not worthy of your infinite grace.
But even with all my mistakes,
The high One came and blessed me.
There was not a small blessing.
The greater one has come in my life.
One blessing with the taste of victory,
At the perfect moment, it came and changed my history.
A history of weeping and supplications.
Weeping poured almost all day.
Tireless supplications, your favour, I was seeking.
Many times, I asked You, your grace, I was waiting.
In the day of my anguish and desperation, I was blessed.
A great and unexpected blessing came to me.
The supplication has heard, the weep was dried.
Now with the great blessing, I am in a new life.

This poem is part of the book Diverse Poems Volume I.

The Lion of the Tribe of Judah

The Lion of the tribe of Judah.
Sat down in magnificent throne is it.
With quick eyes, He contemplates everything.
Your power and strength are without limits.
Your majestic is very great,
With his imposing roar, the evil was chased away.
And with his claws, Satan is smashed,
Letting him down on the ground and humiliated.
For whom are faithful, He protects with his right hand,
Fight all kinds of battles for them.
Getting away from all evils, all wrath, all envy,
Throwing away all bad things.
In your throne, I do my refugee,
In your shadow, I rest and have peace.
Waiting for the day of your glory,
Doing my heart meek.

This poem is part of the book Diverse Poems Volume I.

The Great Victory

On the day when I go the paradise,
I can see the face of the Lord, my Father.
I will contemplate his infinite glory,
I will be in my great victory.
A victory in Jesus Christ,
Living in the purer light.
Fulfilling the greatest promise:
To gain an eternal living.
An eternally, beautiful and marvellous life,
Living in a celestial residence,
I am feeling your majestic presence.
Eternal majestic, splendid and perfect.
On which in my life reigned,
And in eternity, delight me.

This poem is part of the book Diverse Poems Volume I.

When You Touch Me

I was so alone and tired,
I Need someone to help me.
A light, a direction, a companion,
And always to be by my side.
Someone to help and teach me,
One who has patience and be my friend,
Leading me through the best way,
Doing things to my soul be saved.
There is only one person who can do this,
The Lord Jesus Christ. He is the King of kings.
When He touches me, He will change everything.
His blood has poured for my sins being forgiven.
With Christ, I am not alone,
I have the true light for my direction.
He always will guide me,
Out of His presence, I will never put me away.
Because in eternity with Christ, I want to stay.

This poem is part of the book Diverse Poems Volume I.

The Upstairs

One upstairs, I am going up,
Each day, I go up a stair.
I try to do always good things,
Deviating me from all bad things.
The climb is not an easy way,
Many obstacles arise all day,
Even with all the difficulties, I know one thing.
I am not lonely.
There is someone who protects me,
He is always caring about my walk.
And if I discourage, He extends his hand,
Forever He will lift me high again.
He always lifts me higher,
He is driving me to victory.
God is always with me,
He is covering me with his glory.

This poem is part of the book Diverse Poems Volume I.

Thank You

Thank you, my Lord, for my life,
All days the Lord blesses me,
There are many blessings I receive.
Thank you for my way,
Because the Lord lead me forever,
And You make me wake up all day.
Thank you for my food.
My pantry, the Lord is filling,
I have no lack of anything.
Thank you for being merciful,
Because You looked on me,
And have saved me from a world dreadful.
Thank you for the forgiveness.
He freed me from the wrath and punishment,
And gave me a new heart.
Thank you for loving me,
A love that is big and marvellous,
That eternal life will give me.

This poem is part of the book Diverse Poems Volume I.


Sometimes we are so sad,
Many times, we question if God is there,
We think we are alone.
And for us, that is no one.
In this way, we shall not think,
Because to save us, God exists,
He comes and wants to hear us speak:
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Praise to God with all your heart,
He will give us one great award.
Our blessings will be so immense.
God provides us with much recompense,
For Him gives it to us, we shall cry out:
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Let God guide your steps,
For you, He has the best.
He knows what we must do,
Knows how things should work for you.
God has one great plan for you,
For accomplishing it, in Him, you need to believe.
Believe and never stop to adore Him.
Praise to God, and He will bless you in everything...
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Every time you praise Him,
On you will live the Holy Spirit.
God is present with you,
Your mouth will exalt Him,
The place will be filled with God's glory,
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Many wonders, God will operate,
Cures and miracles, He will make.
He will transform the lives of everyone,
The souls to paradise, He will guide.
In this awesome place,
Too many songs for Him, we will praise...
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

This poem is part of the book Diverse Poems Volume I.

This is God, the Lord!

Do not think you can go alone,
You need someone.
Then, your life will improve.
In a good destiny, God will lead you.
This is God, the Lord!
He loves you so much.
He does good things to you,
Through true paths, He leads you,
It is enough you accept Him.
The change in your life will begin,
He will give you many things:
A great love!
He will heal you!
He will save you,
He is God, the Lord!
If you get discouraged someday,
On your side, the Lord will stay.
Giving you strength and determination.
Holding your hand in any situation,
He is God, the Lord!
Do not deny nor reject Him!
He wants you to accept Him!
The change will come in your ways,
Your world, He will transform each day,
You only need to accept Him,
Your world will improve in everything,
He is God, the Lord!
Do not think you are alone,
For your path, God has the best one,
He is God, the Lord!
As you could notice,
Everything in your life improved when He entered.
Your destiny could be transformed,
Accept Him on your heart.
Hold his hands and do not go apart.
He is God, the Lord!

This poem is part of the book Diverse Poems Volume I.

Only God is the Way

One star will indicate a way, a direction,
This direction is God,
In your life, God will make a transformation.
After being transformed, you will be modified,
With old things, you no longer stay satisfied.
Your salve time has finished,
And now, everything is renewed.
After the renovation, there is only a path to follow...
You will get the best with the Lord.
You never must stop dreaming,
Have faith in God, and you will realise many things.
Be happy and go ahead,
In your mind, have only goodness.
With the stars, God will guide you,
And He will say:
Go ahead in my faith.
Some people will try to deviate you,
Never give up, because God will never let you.
Go ahead, and other people, try to change them,
With your help, the world may be excellent.
By a divine light, you will be touched,
It will be God saying to continue.
Never give up the fight,
Because the Lord always will be on your side.
Many things have already been transformed,
On your side, every time you have the Lord.
Go ahead and show to the world,
The true path is God.
And a new destiny will be performed,
With much love and peace,
With everything wrong, we will finish...

This poem is part of the book Diverse Poems Volume I.

God Sees Everything

Lord God, in a marvellous celestial throne you are sitting,
One throne on which blessings irradiate.
In this throne, the whole Earth, He is seeing.

The Lord sees, hears and knows everything.
Nothing that happens can escape from Him.
Only the Lord God is in the whole world.

A world that seems does not have a course,
Very confused and weak, people are wandering.
Of His grace, everyone is needing.

The Lord is the one who has the true power,
This power transforms all and everything.
To happen, we need to obey and believe in Him.

This poem is part of the book Diverse Poems Volume I.

Amazing Grace - John Newton

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found;
Was blind, but now I see.
’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed.
Through many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come;
’Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.
The Lord has promised good to me,
His Word my hope secures;
He will my Shield and Portion be,
As long as life endures.
Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess, within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.
The earth shall soon dissolve like snow,
The sun forbear to shine;
But God, who called me here below,
Will be forever mine.
When we’ve been there ten thousand years,
Bright shining as the sun,
We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise
Than when we’d first begun.


Friday, June 17, 2022

The Glory of God in My Life

God, I am weak, and I need your power,
I want a big transformation in my life.
Your glory fulfilling my being is my desire.

My being shows your greatness,
My love will be dedicated to You,
May your presence in me be my greatest richness.

Your richness is more than everything,
To be free and happy with You is my biggest luxury.
Your rewards are more than this life here.

This world is only the beginning,
God has more for all of us,
He has great benefits.

One blessing, we could not imagine,
It will be a new life with abundant grace,
Where everyone will live to adore and see His face.

This poem is part of the book Diverse Poems Volume I.

What I Really Need

I do not need a superhero,
I need a Saviour.
To change my being,
Because a hero cannot do anything.

I do not need fame and fortune,
I need your glory.
Because with it, I will write a new story.

I do not live without my best friend,
He is a perfect person.
He always loves me and will be with me until the end.

I love the power of God,
His power is the purest love.
I feel many blessings,
From the hand of God, they are coming.

I desire many good days with Jesus Christ,
So, I have new paths in my life.

This poem is part of the book Diverse Poems Volume I.

The Blessing of the Lord

God loves you and me,
With us until the end, the Lord will be.
He will never forget neither leaves you,
Trust in Him, is what you have to do.
Trust quiet, with closed eyes,
He does your way better,
And He is always by our side.
Follow the path He leads you through,
Day and night, He will reward you,
With much love and blessings,
The Lord will rid you of all pains.
God enlightens you and changes your life,
Always for something better,
Deliver your life to Him,
The best for you will come from Him.
Always stay with God,
A great blessing will come,
He protects you from a dark destiny,
You will never be alone.
Be faithful, and everything will be right,
Always have the Lord on your side,
Then, alone, you will never be,
You will have great strength to continue.
Then, being always with the Lord,
He only wants your good and loves you,
Be calm and be faithful.
In the end, the Lord will save his chosen ones.
The eternal blessing, He will give in heaven.

This poem is part of the book Diverse Poems Volume I.

The Wonders of Jesus

I am here to adore You,
Because I know my life can be changed by You,
All evils, He will put to the end,
Happiness and joy will reign.
Jesus Christ is my Lord!
He loves me and treats me with love,
Jesus desires my praise.
I open my mouth, and His name, I proclaim:
Jesus is my Lord, and He is amazing!
By my side, Jesus always is with me,
To see my ways, and lead me.
Because He knows the best way to go,
He is with me, in the best way, He is leading me.
In Jesus, I put my faith and trust,
And He always keeps me standing.
To save my soul and make me happy, He is desiring,
To me, God is watching.
Hearing my voice while I am praying,
He knows what I am seeking.
And my life, He is changing.
In my life, God is acting,
From all evils, He is protecting me.
Because the Holy Spirit will cover me.
The Holy Spirit acts in a special way,
 He covers and protects me from evils every day.
Under his awesome protection, I stay,
I follow loving God in an unconditional way.

This poem is part of the book Diverse Poems Volume I.

The Transformation of God

I want to see your greatness,
I want to watch You and see your glory.
I hope on You many blessings,
I hope You write in me a new history.
Only your mercy can save the people,
For everyone, the Lord has many protections.
On our walking, You are ridding us from all evils,
Taking us to the right, in a good direction.
Our well, only the Lord who knows it.
He makes a way we do not understand it,
In each new way, a new stage is coming up,
And each stage we pass, we are growing up.
We grow mainly in the spiritual things,
God makes us people improved in everything,
People who avoid evil ways,
And seek truths on Sacred Scriptures' pages.

This poem is part of the book Diverse Poems Volume I.

The Path With Jesus

Sometimes, I stay so sad,
It seems I am alone.
But I am not alone,
Jesus is with me in my path.

Jesus Christ is our Lord,
Lord of the world and redeemer,
Redeemer of all faithful people,
Besides the faithful, until the greatest sinner.

The sin destroys you,
Destroys your precious soul.
A soul with more value,
The value paid with blood,
Blood of Christ, our rescuer.

Only Jesus will save you,
Save from the perdition,
Perdition that is in the world,
A world full of destruction,
Destruction of the lives,
Lives that are thrown away,
Away from the plan of God,
God who acts without delay.

God in everyone will act,
Act to change lives,
All life will be improved,
In all things, and your way will be transformed,
Transforming the failure into a very special victory,
A special victory because is very blessed,
Blessed, unique and perfect.
Perfect because cannot be compared,
Compare with God is impossible,
Impossible because only Him is unequalled.

This poem is part of the book Diverse Poems Volume I.

Sunday, June 12, 2022


 God bless everyone. I created this blog intending to publish my poems inspired by God through his Holy Spirit who acts over everyone, transforming, blessing and making us better people.

The poems are part of my books, published on diverse platforms.

May the poems of God touch each one who reads, and these multiply the seed of faith and evangelism.

All the poems can and shall be divulged in all possible places since quotes the author: Rafael Lima, e-mail: / and the respective book.

May God enlighten the lives of all of us!

See my writer blog: