Tuesday, June 21, 2022

This is God, the Lord!

Do not think you can go alone,
You need someone.
Then, your life will improve.
In a good destiny, God will lead you.
This is God, the Lord!
He loves you so much.
He does good things to you,
Through true paths, He leads you,
It is enough you accept Him.
The change in your life will begin,
He will give you many things:
A great love!
He will heal you!
He will save you,
He is God, the Lord!
If you get discouraged someday,
On your side, the Lord will stay.
Giving you strength and determination.
Holding your hand in any situation,
He is God, the Lord!
Do not deny nor reject Him!
He wants you to accept Him!
The change will come in your ways,
Your world, He will transform each day,
You only need to accept Him,
Your world will improve in everything,
He is God, the Lord!
Do not think you are alone,
For your path, God has the best one,
He is God, the Lord!
As you could notice,
Everything in your life improved when He entered.
Your destiny could be transformed,
Accept Him on your heart.
Hold his hands and do not go apart.
He is God, the Lord!

This poem is part of the book Diverse Poems Volume I.

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