Friday, December 9, 2022

The Unsuspected Ones

We must be attentive to the sin of others,
We cannot let anybody falter.
Because there are too many temptations,
We must fortify them with good thoughts and opinions.
Many people have no knowledge,
And because of it, they fall into some mistakes.
They think what they do is right,
They do not know that it is a sinful life.
These people, we must notify,
That their attitudes are bad and not wise.
Talking that they are living in a lie,
They bring great pains to their lives.
To know the true path, they need,
The truths of God, they have to see.
The mistakes in their lives, they must notice,
Away from the mistake, they will live.
By knowing the true way,
The people will leave their mistakes.
They will become Lord's beloved ones,
They will have a new life with salvation.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume IV.