Saturday, November 18, 2023

Learning on Difficulties

Sometimes life goes through ways not planned,
It occurs what is not desired, and does not happen the hoped.
Initially, we get uneasy, without knowing the reason for it,
We want to know why that thing is happening.

We stay sad, nervous, and revolted about the situation,
We want to know the reason; we seek an explanation.
Although we tried, we will not be able to clarify,
We will not reach a conclusion, although we desire.

For some time, we got very anguished and frustrated,
But this goes away, and soon we fight for everything to be solved.
For what seemed impossible, we can find a way to solve it,
Then, we can rest, and we feel great relief.

After some time, we know there is happening a similar problem,
Immediately we think, “I have the experience to solve that problem.”
We help that one who was sad and did not know what to do in his life,
We give them strength and we support them to go back to good times.

After that, we can understand the context of everything,
We passed through a bad situation to learn something.
God taught us how to deal with that complicated situation,
Then, through our help, another life could have a transformation.

This poem is part of the book Life Through the Words.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Light Days and Dark Days

Every day, the sun rises and fills the whole Earth with its wonderful light.

This certainty makes us feel comfortable and safe. We know that there will be sun and a lightened day. All will happen according to the plan, another day like any other.

But there are days when the sun hides itself. Dense dark clouds cover its light. The sky gets dark, announcing a storm. We feel fear and insecurity because we don’t know what will come.

The storm falls impetuously; everything goes down the drain. Nothing stands where it was; peace turns into chaos.

Similar situations happen in our lives. Everything is working perfectly, as we had dreamed. And, suddenly, something changes, and we are shaken.

We think the storm will be endless; it will be forever and will never go away…

But as the storm goes away the sun shines again. Our lives will be restored as well. The storm that seemed to be the end will bring us renewal. It will raise new opportunities and fresh starts; everything will be new.

Psalms 107:28-29

Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed.