Sunday, January 14, 2024

Look at the Spectacular

Some things impress and fascinate us because their existence seems incredible and spectacular. Some things give us a feeling of greatness, power, and mystery…

We look at nature and are amazed by the size of the great animals; we are astonished by the huge ocean or an interminable desert. And we get even more dazzled when we think about the sky, the stars, and the universe.

And if our hearts and minds are open, we also notice greatness, power, and mystery in tiny things.

We look at our hands and see fingerprints. A unique and unequaled draw not repeated in any person (alive, who has lived or will live). The small ants can carry objects heavier than them. And the bees who have an ingenious system of honey production.

Our vision must be open to the small great miracles we experience daily: wake up, come back home at dusk, have food, have a house…

Many are the blessings we receive from God, but sometimes, we forget their value. We blindly seek the spectacular, the fantastic, and the unimaginable, and despise what is right in front of our eyes.

Each of the Lord’s gifts should be treated with the highest esteem and appreciation because they sustain and support us to achieve greater and greater miracles.

Psalm 23:6

Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

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