Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Calling to Salvation

The Lord does everything to save,

He sends people to talk in his name.

He does everything for the person to see,

He shows signs for the person to believe.

For God, the person is being called,

Each day, a wonder is revealed.

The Lord makes efforts to get that person,

For one more soul to get salvation.

The chosen one is valuable for the Lord,

It was for each of them that God sent the Savior.

Many people have one new opportunity,

And they will not be condemned for all eternity.

For his chosen ones, there is a project of the Lord,

Where his people shall come back to God.

They will come back to his mighty kingdom,

Uniting to Him as a bride to the bridegroom.

Many people, the Lord will call,

But He will not be heard for all.

They will prefer their own ways,

Walking alone to the death and abyss.

For the Lord’s voice, each one needs to pay attention,

When He calls, each one must be ready with disposition.

Because the Lord calls once for salvation,

It is the only opportunity to flee from condemnation.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume V.

See the book:

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