Thursday, October 17, 2024


The meetings of the people of God must propagate,

For the bearing of the Name of Christ, they will cooperate.

Too many people have to know the name of God.

In a meeting, it will be easy to learn about the Lord.

The meeting is for the coming of a new audience,

To be closer to God, they have the chance.

About the Lord’s word, they will have comprehension,

To get this requires a teacher to give a direction.

The teacher is there to give attention,

For the doubts that arise, he will do a clarification.

He will fulfill the project of the meeting,

All students, he will be accompanying.

The person accompanied will fortify themselves,

In the word of God, they will firm themselves,

The name of Jesus, that person will confess,

A new life on God’s side will be in progress.

The meeting helps to save many people’s lives,

Then, this idea needs to multiply.

Thus, more people will be achieved,

And many more lives will be blessed.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume III.

See the book:

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