Thursday, October 10, 2024

Hard Times

The beast will come at the determinate time,

Many people will be cheated by her signs.

Many arrogance and blasphemies, she will proclaim.

He will try to conquer all women and men.


By her, too many people will be cheated.

In her ties, their lives will be delivered.

She will conquer all kingdoms and nations.

All the kings will serve her,

It will seem like collusion.


The beast will desire to subject everyone,

Her name will be marked in each one.

Because without the mark, they will be limited,

To buy and to sell, they need the mark on their hand or head.


Everything will be a big chaos.

The world will be mastered by the evil ones.

Only a few people will resist with the help of Christ,

They will get the crown of life.


It will be a great fight and tribulation,

It will be hard to resist that situation.

The unique hope will be having God in the heart.

Only God will rid them of that desolation.


Because of Jesus, they will be killed and tortured.

After passing through this, they will be approved.

They will go for glory, and they will reign with Christ,

They will praise God the whole time.

In his presence, they will dwell in the coming life.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume II.

See the book:

Thursday, October 3, 2024

A Seductive World and the Love of God

The things of the world want to seduce you.

There are beautiful things shown to deceive you.

You think, How everything is good and marvelous!

But all is a big trap of the enemy.

Because he wants to destroy you.


The first step is to put you away from the church.

He will show you the beautiful world in every way.

On TV, radio, internet, with friends, or in the street.

To put you away from God, he does everything.

Then, in your life, he will make something.


It will be a strong touch when he touches you.

It is death’s touch, what he wants to do.

Little by little, he will addict you to something.

Then, you will lose everyone, and you will be lonely.


One addiction will bring you to another.

When you notice, you seem like a dead body.

Your body will be almost destroyed.

Many times, you ask yourself:

“How can I still be alive yet?”


You are alive because God loved you.

Of death, many times, He rid you.

Because the Lord always believed in you.

He believes one day you will change,

And to his love arms, you would come back again.

With your amazing Father, you will make reconciliation.

God has never abandoned you even in your tribulations!


Even though it seems everything is lost,

Do not give up! You are a son of God.

Repent of all evil wholeheartedly.

The Lord will give you his hand immediately.


He will take you from a deep abyss.

He will put you in a place, new and clean.

God will erase all mistakes and sins.

Then, a new life can begin.


One life of peace with the Lord,

Professing Christ as your unique Savior.

You will always remember from where the Lord has taken you.

Thanking Him every day for his great love.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume I.

See the book:

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Unity in Church

The church is a project of the Lord,

One place for the love to be shared.

One place where people will become sanctified,

Where everyone praises and prays all the time.

The church must remain in unity,

Always seeking to preach the truth with clarity.

The body of the church must keep unity,

Connecting everyone wholeheartedly.

Everyone should care for one another,

Helping each other in every new matter.

Becoming a holy and united body,

Walking to be Christ’s body.

Walking together, everyone will grow,

Strengthening their faith in God as they go.

Following together through the good path,

Never allowing anyone to walk alone.

In peace, everyone always needs to be,

So that everyone can accept each other with glee.

By accepting each other, everyone will learn to forgive,

Forgiving, everyone will learn how to love.

Love for each other is something expected,

In the Scriptures, it was mentioned.

For the church to be prepared,

For the day when Christ will come to take it away,

And in eternity, everyone will stay.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume V.

See the book:

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Thinking Alone

Nobody can change alone,

It needs God’s help to change anyone.

If we are alone, we will never notice.

Without God, the mistakes, we cannot see.

The mistake is to think we are independent,

To think we can do whatever we can.

Thinking that it is right to do all things,

Thinking that we are clever in everything.

Thinking the world is our private place,

And all personal desires can be made.

Thinking that we will never die,

We always live showing our lives.

Living like that, we are without direction,

We did not notice mistakes in our actions.

We need God’s intervention in our lives,

We can be alone for no more time.

God will enter inside us,

In the bottom of our hearts, He will speak to us.

We will see everything clearly,

We will see how sad life is without him.

God will plant a seed in us,

It is the seed to change us.

If we allow it, the seed will sprout and keep growing,

And our lives will be transformed.

The acceptance of God’s words will begin.

We will know the truth is in Him.

We will understand that everyone sins,

We notice we depend on God.

The Lord can save us only in this way.

When we confess all our mistakes,

God’s mercy will forgive everyone,

And forever, we will be under his protection.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume IV.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Evaluation From God

The one the people rejected,

Before the Lord was a person very honored.

Many blessed works, they will do,

All days of his life, they will be faithful.

Many people judge according to their views,

They evaluate others by what they feel.

They do not do one judicious evaluation,

They choose the one they have more affection.

The rejected one may be very valuable,

Being to the Lord one person who is laudable.

God makes those who were fallen to rise,

People will see his power in front of their eyes,

Showing that only God can judge and approve.

Different from us, the Lord has a deep vision,

God looks inside, the mind and intentions.

He does not see only the appearance,

God sees the deepest essence.

The Lord sees what the heart has inside,

He knows the deepest secrets of each life.

The evaluation of God is very special,

Because He does not evaluate only the natural.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume III.

See the book:

Thursday, September 5, 2024

The Mouth

About the mouth, we must be careful,

Because the tongue can kill you.

She is a weapon so powerful,

After you say something,

The consequences can be disastrous.


With our mouths, we can say good things,

Or we can stay cursing,

We have the power to choose.

We know that after saying something,

There is no way to regret it.


Everything we say will produce an effect,

It can be something perfect,

Or it is just appointing a defect.

Do not matter what will be,

At someone, the word will reach.


Remember that all speech has an answer,

Everything you send to someone,

It will come back against you.

Before you say something, be thoughtful,

You can hurt too many people.


God already has said how should be our conversation,

Let it be for our brother’s edification.

They will fortify their faith.

We never must curse anyone!

We never must hurt anyone!


Our mouths must be a source of blessings,

And do not be a source of undoing.

It has been written in the word of God:

“What gets out of the mouth,

Leads people to destruction.”


Think a lot before you talk,

Use your mouth to bless everyone.

Then, the Lord will please about you,

And your produced testimony will be good.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume II.

See the book:

Thursday, August 29, 2024


I am a poor sinner.

Of your grace, I am not worthy.

Many mistakes and transgressions, I did.

Your affection, I am not worthy of feeling it.


Even so, the Lord loved me,

Ridding me of a terrible destiny.

The Lord came and introduced himself to me.

Your word has changed my life.


The Lord is a God so marvelous,

He has rid my spirit of a terrible end.

Your hand came to rescue me,

To salvation, He will take me.


Only the Lord is God!

His benignity endures forever.

The Lord is so good,

Even the poor sinner, He has mercy.

To eternal salvation, He will take him.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume I.

See the book: