Monday, November 7, 2022


Look on high,
Get up your head,
And see that light.
It is the biggest purity that exists,
That one is Jesus!
He has immense power,
And everything He can do.
Look on the sick, it was cured,
The paralyzed one walks,
Jesus makes all this,
For whom love Him.
You do not need to be rich,
To be famous or renowned,
Jesus just wants your faith.
And from your heart, He must be adored.
Follow his steps,
And your life will change for the better.
Jesus is the only path,
And good things will give you.

The path seems hard to do,
But it is not!
See to the blessings,
And fortify your faith.
To the Father, you shall obey,
Because for who fear Him.
The victories are coming.

Stay tuned!
Only Jesus is the way, the truth and the life!
Other ways may exist,
But no one has the true light,
That is Jesus!
Who died on the cross for us.
He gave his blood,
And for Him, it was so painful,
He made everything as proof of love.
Follow the great shepherd,
To be a winner.
The world wants to deceive you,
Easy and wrong things are shown to do,
Trying to charm you.
Do not fall into this trap!
Because who gets out of the light,
Has great troubles in his life.
But if you get out of the light,
For it, you can back again.
Repent of what you made,
And for God, you will be forgiven.
With the forgive gained,
Do not go, and get out of the way,
Because the trap is big.
And you cannot escape one day.
Stay always with God,
In the best path.
So, you will smile every day.

This poem is part of the book Diverse poetries volume I.