Monday, July 3, 2023

Jesus, the New Chance

In no moment, Jesus condemned,
Even his executioners were acquitted.
Christ does not represent condemnation,
Jesus came to represent salvation.
For the sins of all people, He has paid,
In this way, everyone could be saved.
The cross is a chance for all people to find reconciliation,
Each one can return to God's ways and his direction.
Those who before were condemned,
They had all their sins forgiven and erased.
They left the darkness and condemnation,
And by God, they were led to salvation.
About this news, Jesus was the mediator,
Before God, He is our intercessor.
Freeing all the people of any accusation,
Giving forgiveness and love to the chosen ones.
The love of the Lord is so amazing,
That He gave his Son for all people's sins.
Jesus showed the biggest love in his actions,
The election, the forgiveness, and Lord's salvation.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume V.