Saturday, April 8, 2023

Out of the Way

Those who walk in the Lord's ways,
Receive his love every day.
From all devastation, God protects them,
Delivering all the enemies in his hand.
There is nothing that could touch the anointed one,
The Lord protects him from everything and everyone.
The Lord is ahead of him in all his ways,
Holding his hand and protecting him night and day.
If the person leaves that good direction,
God will not be pleased with this action.
He will remove his protection over that person,
It will cease his mighty protection.
About him, all the enemies will come,
They will take off all his possessions.
The person will not be able to do anything,
God is no longer protecting him.
It is terrible to deviate from the Lord,
Nothing is worse than living without his love and favour.
For those who do this, there are painful ways,
And he will be mocked because of his disgrace.
There is a manner to stop all bad happenings,
The person must show regret for his sins.
And he needs to confess them to God,
The person will be forgiven and blessed by the Lord.
To the ways of the Lord, it is needed to come back,
So every kind of evil will turn back,
And from all evils, the Lord will always protect.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume V.

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