Saturday, June 3, 2023

Relationship with God

With God, we want to build a relationship,
Of the Father, we want to get close to him.
It is the right attitude, and it is too admirable,
And this must be done honourable.
A good relationship demands submission,
Giving to God our heart and dedication.
Trusting in all the Lord's ways,
Forgetting what we wished for in the past days.
Our life needs to be well-established,
God's words shall be our base.
God's commandments are our way of living,
Obeying everything, we will get close to him.
When we are obeying the Lord,
We are showing our love to God.
We are saying we love his truth,
And in his will, we always trust.
The relationship with God must be in these ways,
Watching his law and being happy every day.
The Lord approves this relationship,
Because a changed and new life is shown to Him.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume V.

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