Monday, October 30, 2023

Believe That You Can Do Everything!

The world we live in constantly tries to discourage us. Even those who are closer say unpleasant things.

“Why do you believe that you will get it?”

“I don’t know anyone who did it!”

“This isn’t for you. No chance!”

Many of these discouraging words take root in our hearts. We start to doubt ourselves and our capability. We reach the point to think and say the same things.

“This is too hard; I won’t be able to.”

“I’m not good enough for this.”

“This isn’t for me.”

These ideas must be eliminated from our minds. We are capable of doing great, incredible, wonderful, spectacular things. Believe that you can and will do it. Be your bigger motivator.

“If nobody did, I’ll be the first one.”

“This is hard, but God will help me.”

“Everything is possible for one who believes.”

The change of thinking will help you to fight and conquer what you dream of.

Proverbs 12:14

From the fruit of their lips people are filled with good things, and the work of their hands brings them reward.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Changing the Vision

Sometimes we stay sad because we do not get something,
We stay unpleased, and about what we do not have, we think.
In our hearts arises a big feeling of unhappiness,
Because what we desire, we do not possess.
At this moment, we forget all conquered things,
About what we have in our lives, we forget everything.
We cannot see the blessings we have already received,
For what we do not have, we are looking fixedly.
We need to change our vision, and look in another direction,
For everything we already have, we must show appreciation.
We must thank God for everything He already gave us,
We must stop demanding from God what has not happened to us.
Our hearts must keep calm and trust in God,
Knowing that at the right time, what we need will be given by the Lord.
Because God is perfect, and He will never fail in anything,
We only have to learn to trust and wait for Him.

This poem is part of the book Life Through the Words.