Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Word of Elijah

The land of Israel was living in sin,

To the idols, they were sacrificing.

To the Lord, they had no dedication,

They were bowing only to the abominations.

King Ahab sinned every day,

He led Israel’s people out of the Lord’s way.

Jezebel, his wife, increased the contamination,

She added many abominations.

God raised the prophet Elijah to rebuke the king,

He gave the message of the Lord to him:

Any rain will not fall on this land,

Until I give another command.

Elijah ran away to the brook to hide away,

The ravens gave him food every day.

The water dried up because of the lack of rain,

Accomplishing the words God had spoken.

The whole people of Israel could see,

Elijah said what God commanded him.

That was a signal for the people back to believe,

Only God has the power to do all of this.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume IV.

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