Thursday, September 12, 2024

Evaluation From God

The one the people rejected,

Before the Lord was a person very honored.

Many blessed works, they will do,

All days of his life, they will be faithful.

Many people judge according to their views,

They evaluate others by what they feel.

They do not do one judicious evaluation,

They choose the one they have more affection.

The rejected one may be very valuable,

Being to the Lord one person who is laudable.

God makes those who were fallen to rise,

People will see his power in front of their eyes,

Showing that only God can judge and approve.

Different from us, the Lord has a deep vision,

God looks inside, the mind and intentions.

He does not see only the appearance,

God sees the deepest essence.

The Lord sees what the heart has inside,

He knows the deepest secrets of each life.

The evaluation of God is very special,

Because He does not evaluate only the natural.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume III.

See the book:

Thursday, September 5, 2024

The Mouth

About the mouth, we must be careful,

Because the tongue can kill you.

She is a weapon so powerful,

After you say something,

The consequences can be disastrous.


With our mouths, we can say good things,

Or we can stay cursing,

We have the power to choose.

We know that after saying something,

There is no way to regret it.


Everything we say will produce an effect,

It can be something perfect,

Or it is just appointing a defect.

Do not matter what will be,

At someone, the word will reach.


Remember that all speech has an answer,

Everything you send to someone,

It will come back against you.

Before you say something, be thoughtful,

You can hurt too many people.


God already has said how should be our conversation,

Let it be for our brother’s edification.

They will fortify their faith.

We never must curse anyone!

We never must hurt anyone!


Our mouths must be a source of blessings,

And do not be a source of undoing.

It has been written in the word of God:

“What gets out of the mouth,

Leads people to destruction.”


Think a lot before you talk,

Use your mouth to bless everyone.

Then, the Lord will please about you,

And your produced testimony will be good.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume II.

See the book: