Thursday, September 12, 2024

Evaluation From God

The one the people rejected,

Before the Lord was a person very honored.

Many blessed works, they will do,

All days of his life, they will be faithful.

Many people judge according to their views,

They evaluate others by what they feel.

They do not do one judicious evaluation,

They choose the one they have more affection.

The rejected one may be very valuable,

Being to the Lord one person who is laudable.

God makes those who were fallen to rise,

People will see his power in front of their eyes,

Showing that only God can judge and approve.

Different from us, the Lord has a deep vision,

God looks inside, the mind and intentions.

He does not see only the appearance,

God sees the deepest essence.

The Lord sees what the heart has inside,

He knows the deepest secrets of each life.

The evaluation of God is very special,

Because He does not evaluate only the natural.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume III.

See the book:

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