Thursday, July 7, 2022

Like Us

If Jesus were like us and had our emotions,
He only would think about himself and not his companions.
Jesus would not leave home every day of his life to preach,
He would prefer to stay relaxed at home on his couch.
If He were like us, He would want to be in modernity,
He would buy an expensive phone and would not help the needy.
Jesus would work only to buy what is fashionable,
He would not give any money to the good works.
If Jesus were like us, He would not leave Facebook,
He would share pictures showing his tunic and new look.
He would stay on WhatsApp talking with everybody,
But He would not go to the city to cure anybody.
If He were like us, He would judge all people around him,
In his speech, He would not think if the word is injuring.
He never would accept when someone would ask for forgiveness,
Instead, He would stay resentful and would keep it in his heart.
If Jesus were like us, to save us, He would not die,
He would keep quiet, for the bad people, He would not sacrifice.
If He were like us, Jesus neither would come to this world,
Because He would not want to live here with too many absurd.
But... Jesus is not like us, He is incredible,
Even if we do not deserve it, He loves his people.
The first concern of Christ is caring about the herd,
To preach, He did not think about distance or what will be earned.
Jesus is so marvellous that He gave himself because of love,
Jesus is so marvellous that He chose us to save.
Jesus is so marvellous that He forgives when people mistake,
Jesus is so marvellous that He will lead us to eternal life.

This poem is part of the book Diverse Poems Volume II.

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