Saturday, July 30, 2022

The Last Egyptians

The Lord took out his people from Egypt,
Leading them through the desert in a good way.
A pillar of cloud guided them during the day,
At night, it was a pillar of fire to illuminate.
The Egyptians tried to follow the people,
There was a big uproar in that land.
The Lord promised that his people would be saved.
They made everything as God has said,
They camped in the place that was indicated,
Waiting for the moment that God would be glorified.
Facing the sea, Moses cried out to the Lord,
One great eastern wind was ordered by God.
The sea opened, and they passed on dry land.
The Egyptians also tried to cross the sea with them,
But the Lord made their army gets slow,
After the Israelites, they hardly could go.
Through the opened sea, the people of God crossed,
By the water, all Egyptians were covered.
On that day, they knew that God is the Lord.
From the hand of the Egyptians, they were saved by God,
Over the wicked people, his name was glorified.
Through the desert, the Israelites kept walking,
Even seeing God's signals, they started to complain.
They complained that they had no food supplying,
Moses cried to the Lord, and the food was provided by Him.
All the people satiated themselves.
The people were involved in a fight,
Moses went to the hill to pray to the Lord,
The Lord made his people win.
Moses had to keep his hands on high,
Aaron and Hur help him to do it,
And the first battle, they could win.
God was the strong arm of Israel,
He cared for his people night and day,
There was nothing they had to fear,
The Lord would protect them from everything.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume II.

See the book:

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