Saturday, August 13, 2022

The Resurrection

Everyone was very sad about what they saw on Friday,
There were doubts and a bit of uncertainty in the following days.
They had many doubts about what would happen,
They were thinking about what to do, and they stayed gathered.
On the first day of the week, his tombstone, three women went to visit him,
They intended to see the Lord again and to perfume his body.
But when they arrived, they had a wonderful and great surprise,
The stone was rolled away, and the Lord, they could not find it.
At the place, there was an angel and the great miracle, he announced:
“Why do you look for the living among the dead? He has revived!”
Great was the amazement of those who heard,
They do not believe the Lord Jesus to life has returned.
Immediately they came back to the disciples to tell them everything,
But they did not believe it, it seemed like they were raving.
Even with doubts, they went to the place that Jesus indicated,
They were waiting in the mount until the Lord had manifested.
This time, the disciples prostrated, and Jesus, they adored,
They concluded it was true what the women told about the Lord.
The Lord Jesus had risen like He had said before has died,
And he showed them. He is the Unique, true, and eternal Christ!

This poem is part of the book Life Through the Words.

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