Saturday, August 6, 2022


On that Friday dawn, something important happened,
A friend was going to do one thing, and many lives would be changed.
Even being a friend, he did not hesitate, and with a kiss cheated,
He delivered his friend to those who for a long time desired him condemned.
His accusers took him to an unfair and forced judgment,
With some fake witnesses, he was considered worthy of punishment.
He was not even defended by one who said to be his friend,
He negated him many times, saying had never seen that man.
They demanded the maximum condemnation, the same for the worst bandits,
They wanted to kill him as an example to those who followed him.
They took him to the governor to confirm the condemnation,
But it was not found any guilty in him, recommending his liberation.
But his accusers insisted He should be punished,
And they even demanded in his place a bandit would be released.
He was taken to receive the first part of his punishment,
Humiliation, aggression, to mock the King, a thorn crown on his head.
After many aggressions and suffering, they decided to execute his penalty,
They made him go through a way to continue humiliating him.
Even being fragile, a heavy cross they did him carry,
Many who saw him, mocked him, but his followers were weeping.
When He arrived at the place, they started a painful crucifixion,
Big iron nails were nailed to his feet and hands.
His accusers continued mocking him again and again,
They continued challenging him to do a miracle in front of them.
He stayed in his cross receiving that terrific penalty,
His body was much debilitated and had difficulty living.
Then He said the words that finished with his suffering:
“It is finished”, and at that moment, He gave up his spirit.

This poem is part of the book Life Through the Words.

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