Saturday, September 10, 2022

The Holy Spirit

The Lord rose to heaven after He was resurrected.
His beloved ones were not abandoned.
Because the Holy Spirit stayed with us.
Then, He can console us.
And He always can help us.
The Holy Spirit is a sweet comforter.
And every day, He increases our love.
He will connect our spirits to God.
Then, intensely, we will praise the Lord.
We could know the Holy Spirit.
Then, all the good things of God, we could see.
We could be convinced about the sin.
Because only the love of God has that power.
The Holy Spirit is who transforms us.
Only Him can come and change us.
Because He does not come with reason.
He comes with the love of God directly in the heart.
If you want the Holy Spirit to dwell in you,
One self-purification is what you have to do,
With much fasting, bible, praise, and prayer.
In this way, God will grace you.
And the Holy Spirit will come upon you.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume I.

See the book:

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