Friday, September 23, 2022

Seasons of Life

Like nature, our life has seasons very distinct,
Some can bring us sadness, but others bring felicity.
If the season is good or bad, we cannot hold on to it,
We always have to believe that a new time and season is coming.

Sometimes, we are in the fall, of a marvelous summer, saying goodbye,
It is no longer as before, for a new season, we are passing by.
The rain of plenty and blessings is decreasing, and the drought is starting,
Those things that we used freely, now we are rationing.

Other times, we are in the winter, when all seems cold, dark, and solitary,
We want to have faith in change, to have faith everything is temporary.
Because the winter gives us hard days to live, hard to do something,
All things seem frozen, there is no strength to develop anything.

We can be in the spring, a beauty transformation, we are trying,
What was lifeless, reborn, the hope in the heart is renewing.
Dark and cold days give way to days full of light and sunny.
We feel alive again, we feel the renovation fully.

In other moments, we are in the summer, with much sun, heat, and rain,
Many things happening at the same time, many victories and fights.
At the same time that a storm arrives; soon the sun shines,
We need a lot of persistence for in all variations, we survive.

Differently from nature, life does not follow the cycle of seasons,
There is no correct order and period to happen the transitions.
We must be always alert to each signal that is received,
Being sure that God will be with us in all periods.

This poem is part of the book Life Through the Words.

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