Sunday, March 26, 2023

Demonstrating Gratitude

We have to be faithful to the Lord,
He already has blessed us a lot.
He gives us life every day,
He gives us daily bread all day.
To God, we can promise something,
As was said, we must do everything.
We cannot promise things in vain,
We must not have falsehood in our heart.
If a grace the Lord has given you,
And a commitment with God was made by you,
Everything that your heart said, you have to do,
On the commitment to the Lord, you must be faithful.
We must give the best for the vote to the Lord,
We did not receive the worst from God,
A pleasant sacrifice, we must do,
Being honored in the time to be grateful.
The thanks are very important,
Because it shows that we are not arrogant.
It shows that from the Lord, we are dependent.
And we are conscious of all our commitments.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume III.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

The Birth

Two thousand years ago, something very special happened,
In a small town, Bethlehem, a child was born.
It was not a usual birth,
It was the greatest event in the history of the Earth.
One new star came to enlighten the world.
It was Jesus Christ, our Lord.
He came to teach us the truth.
The truth is that only He can save us!
God has sent Him to free us.
We are freed from eternal death through Jesus,
He forgives all our transgressions,
Then, with God, we have a true connection.
All praise and glory be given to the Lord,
Even though we are flawed, He loved us.
Giving his only son to rescue us,
He has paid a very high price,
To do the will of the Father.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume I.

See the book:

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Forgiveness at the Last Hour

On your side, I was been crucified,
I was a bandit condemned.
I had no hope about anything,
I was only sure that my death was coming.
Nothing would change for me,
Of the condemnation, I could not flee.
They will put to end my life,
I thought no one could save me at that time.
On my side, I saw a lord.
Some people called him Saviour,
And others charged him as an evildoer.
I saw something different in that man.
Even if being crucified,
He did not abandon his love for them.
I gave attention to this man,
I felt he was not an ordinary man,
He seemed to be a great king!
I said, ‘Lord, remember me,
When in your kingdom you to get in,’
And from him came the answer:
‘Today in paradise, you will be with me.’
My hope was revived,
Something good, that man promised,
He did not want to condemn me,
He preferred to forgive and save me.
For the glory of Christ, I am going,
I will be together with the great King,
Because my soul pleased Him,
He forgave me for all my sins,
To thee, I deliver my spirit, Lord.
To eternal life, I will go with you.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume II.

See the book: