Saturday, March 18, 2023

The Birth

Two thousand years ago, something very special happened,
In a small town, Bethlehem, a child was born.
It was not a usual birth,
It was the greatest event in the history of the Earth.
One new star came to enlighten the world.
It was Jesus Christ, our Lord.
He came to teach us the truth.
The truth is that only He can save us!
God has sent Him to free us.
We are freed from eternal death through Jesus,
He forgives all our transgressions,
Then, with God, we have a true connection.
All praise and glory be given to the Lord,
Even though we are flawed, He loved us.
Giving his only son to rescue us,
He has paid a very high price,
To do the will of the Father.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume I.

See the book:

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