Sunday, August 20, 2023

Everyone is the Same

For God, all people are equal,
Everyone is sinful and mortal.
There is no one different,
We have to change our judgement.
We must not separate anybody,
We must not judge anybody.
All brothers, we must accept.
We will praise the Lord together.
The Lord judges only the heart.
We judge people according to what we see,
If he has a good presentation.
We put him in a high position.
But if he seems poor and scruffy.
We even try to hide him.
If we do it, the Lord will not delight.
Because God chose them to exalt their lives.
But we, weak people, want to humble them,
By doing this favouritism, God will charge us.
We must change our thought and judgement,
We must give everyone the same treatment.
God decided that everyone can be saved.
And his supreme law, we must obey.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume II.

See the book:

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