Tuesday, September 26, 2023


Sometimes, we are in situations hard to deal with,
We think that our lives will be affected in some way.
We notice there are some hard troubles to fix,
Although we try to solve it, we will be impacted by something.
Seeing the imminent situation, we only have to prepare,
Trying to decrease the damage of what will impact.
After doing what is possible, we stay conformed,
Thinking: I already did my best for the danger to be avoided.
We hope passively for what has been known previously,
There is nothing more to do besides the plans we already made.
At the expected moment, something different happens to us,
We receive something perfect that helps and enriches us.
We do not know from where came this good thing,
Because it is more than what we were thinking.
Now, we have to celebrate, and thank for the received blessing,
Remembering That One who gave us this victory.
We have to thank God who showed his love to us,
Recognizing that even without deserving, his grace, He gave us.
Noticing how much God cares for us in each moment,
He turned into happiness what was once a source of torment.

This poem is part of the book Life Through the Words.

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