Monday, February 19, 2024

Never Forget


Modern life provides us with many challenges daily; there are many tasks, appointments, notifications, calls, messages, and e-mails, so, all want our attention the entire time. And amid this chaos, where is the word of God and his commandments?

It is not uncommon to leave reading and meditation for later. We always say that we are busy at that moment and can’t stop for biblical reading and prayer. In part, that’s true, there are moments where nobody can stop what they are doing.

However, we can’t allow the ocean of tasks to drown us and kill our spiritual life and relationship with God. Although there is a lot to do, we must “reserve” a time in our agenda for the Lord; a moment of peace and calm where we’ll be alone with God.

Someone can start with a little while, maybe ten or fifteen minutes a day, in a private place. If it’s possible, with relaxing music to calm the mind down; seek an encouraging text in Psalms or advice in Proverbs. Reflect on the text and talk to the Lord with all your heart. Don’t worry about nice words or saying something wrong. The most important thing is to open your heart before God.

I’m sure this moment will transform your day and life. You’ll have created a personal, direct, and continuous connection with God. Do your best and see the transformation.

Jeremiah 29:12-13 (NIV)

Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

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