Sunday, February 11, 2024

Remember Your Best Days


All of us have good and bad days. Moments where everything runs perfectly without any trouble, and moments where everything is out of control, we don’t have peace, and nothing works.

I don’t know why these bad days are the only ones we often remember. I’m not joking; this is real. If we start recompiling our happenings, we’ll remember more the displeasing situations than good ones. Our minds seem to have a special room for disgraces, mistakes, hurts, disappointments, misfortunes, etc.

What are the consequences of storing these memories?

We get used to thinking and hoping for the worst of everything and everybody; we can’t hope for anything good in our destiny. Whenever we are waiting for an answer, we are assured the reply will be negative. We can’t trust anyone because we suppose they will hurt us. We feel incapable, ordinary, defeated, and abandoned.

All these negative emotions sour our lives and limit our vision. In fact, we can’t do anything good because we decide that we don’t deserve it, and it won’t happen.

It’s time to shift your mind. Replace your sad memories with happy ones; instead of remembering what you didn’t get, remember all the gifts that God already gave you. Don’t give room in your heart to those who have hurt you; remove them and replace them with those who love and care about you. Forget the sadness of one failure in your past and meditate only on the lessons you’ve learned.

With these simple decisions, you can grow and become all the Lord has created you to be: a blessed, strong, awesome, and victorious son of the Most High God.

Psalm 77:11-12 (NIV)

I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.

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