Friday, October 7, 2022

Help the Brothers

To help needy brothers is a duty,
It is a good attitude, which the Lord delights in.
When we are helping, the happiness is multiplying,
In unity, the brothers are walking.

There is no way to say everything is right,
When a brother has needs in his life.
The needy, everyone needs to help,
Then is shown the way to love.
A love that desires to protect and care.

It is a pure, true, and sincere way of loving,
A love that gives everything and waits for nothing.
The same love the Lord has for everyone,
One love that does not separate anyone.

It is the love that desires to be in oneness,
May the love come from inwardness.
That makes the rich extend his hand.
To help the brother, instead of receiving payment.

If everyone could help each other,
The sadness among people will be over.
Everyone will have the necessities to survive,
Everyone will have a complete and happy life.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume III.

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