Saturday, October 15, 2022

The Week

Sunday, I go to church,
I seek God with all my heart,
With many songs and praise.
I come back home feeling curated.
I feel renewed, and the Lord gave me strength.
Monday comes and arrives the hardness,
I think, Oh Lord, what a sadness!
Soon, God touched my ways.
And He took my weakness far away.
On Tuesday gets close temptation.
Many things are appearing in my life,
They are trying to deviate me from the blessing.
Only God can rid me of that situation.
Wednesday is coming!
The troubles are not stopping.
Only God can rid me.
I am praying for Him to rescue me.
It is already Thursday, and it is almost ending,
The week, the patience, the peace and tranquility.
Only the fights are not ending.
I try to follow firm and strong,
Because the week is going on.
Thank you, God, it is already Friday,
I will go to church today.
I will pray a lot on this day,
I need to be renovated,
Because the week wore me out.
Finally, it is Saturday, a resting day,
I will be renovated on this day,
Tomorrow is Sunday, and one new week will start.
With new challenges and fights.
But I will not stop,
I know I have the company of God.
And from evils, He will save me.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume I.

See the book:

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