Sunday, February 26, 2023

The Sinners

All mankind are sinners,
They stay delivered to their passions.
They live without fear.
They are submerged in much pain and tears.
Each one walks to one side,
Saying: This is right,
What I am doing is not a sin,
There is no mistake in what I am doing.
In this way, too many are living,
In the sin, many of them are dying.
No one can be saved,
Everyone is living to sin.
They do not admit they are sinning,
They commit all kinds of wrongdoing,
And they think they are doing a good thing.
In fact, to their condemnation, they are walking.
They need to change their ways,
Not only in the manner to behave.
The salvation, they need to know,
They need to have Jesus in their hearts and souls.
Only the Lord can forgive everyone,
Only God has the grace to give everyone.
The Lord will erase the sins,
For the sinner, a new time will be coming.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume III.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023


To survive, it is needed to work,
If we want to have something,
We need to fight for everything.
Because nobody will get anything without fighting.
We always must trust in God,
But you cannot be lazy and make no effort.
There are many things you have to do,
For other things to happen to you.
The Lord ordered the work for everyone,
Then nobody will escape from what must be done.
It was an order from the Lord since the creation,
He said humans must work to get their provisions.
So that God may bless you,
There are many things you can always do.
Then the Lord sees your persistence,
And God's prosperity will be over you.
It will not be only in the material your prosperity,
It will be mainly in everything related to spirituality.
God will work on you,
And in all areas of your life, you will improve.
Ask God for strengths to continue in your fight,
Those who work, He will fortify.
All necessary help, God will provide,
Then you will always fructify.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume IV.

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Hears and Does not Practice

The words of God, many people will hear,
They hear the message only to get happier,
But in their lives, nothing will change.
The statutes of God, they will not practice.

They became someone like a believer-atheist,
They act like God did not exist.
The name of the Lord is always on their lips,
But their lives show they do not fear Him.

They are doing everything for self-satisfaction,
They want to fulfill all their desires and imaginations.
The instructions coming from God, they will negate,
Because they know they do not follow good ways.

They still use these audacious words:
There was never any wickedness in our works.
These words will testify against them,
It will be shown the evil made by their hands.

Before the Lord, they will suffer the accusation,
There will be no way to be free of condemnation.
In their lives, they forgot the Lord in all moments,
And after death, they will perish with pain and torment.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume IV.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Other Things

The Lord, you can be following,
But sometimes, you are serving other things.
There are things the Lord did not command you,
Things that attract you.
These things will separate you from the Lord,
You will not be firm with God.
You will be inclined to human desires,
God's purpose, your heart will put aside.
Seeing this, God will sadden,
Seeing that He is losing a son.
God created and loved him, but He is losing him,
Now the person goes after what did not create him.
The attention of the person keeps divided,
She follows other teachings and also the Bible.
God is being kept aside,
Other things are always in her mind.
God does not tolerate this division!
He wants his sons with full dedication.
His glory, God does not accept to divide!
His people must dedicate to Him their lives.
Following the wickedness path,
The person deviates from righteousness.
They are building lies in his heart,
From God and his salvation, they keep apart.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume IV.