Sunday, February 26, 2023

The Sinners

All mankind are sinners,
They stay delivered to their passions.
They live without fear.
They are submerged in much pain and tears.
Each one walks to one side,
Saying: This is right,
What I am doing is not a sin,
There is no mistake in what I am doing.
In this way, too many are living,
In the sin, many of them are dying.
No one can be saved,
Everyone is living to sin.
They do not admit they are sinning,
They commit all kinds of wrongdoing,
And they think they are doing a good thing.
In fact, to their condemnation, they are walking.
They need to change their ways,
Not only in the manner to behave.
The salvation, they need to know,
They need to have Jesus in their hearts and souls.
Only the Lord can forgive everyone,
Only God has the grace to give everyone.
The Lord will erase the sins,
For the sinner, a new time will be coming.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume III.

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