Tuesday, February 21, 2023


To survive, it is needed to work,
If we want to have something,
We need to fight for everything.
Because nobody will get anything without fighting.
We always must trust in God,
But you cannot be lazy and make no effort.
There are many things you have to do,
For other things to happen to you.
The Lord ordered the work for everyone,
Then nobody will escape from what must be done.
It was an order from the Lord since the creation,
He said humans must work to get their provisions.
So that God may bless you,
There are many things you can always do.
Then the Lord sees your persistence,
And God's prosperity will be over you.
It will not be only in the material your prosperity,
It will be mainly in everything related to spirituality.
God will work on you,
And in all areas of your life, you will improve.
Ask God for strengths to continue in your fight,
Those who work, He will fortify.
All necessary help, God will provide,
Then you will always fructify.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume IV.

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