Saturday, February 4, 2023

Other Things

The Lord, you can be following,
But sometimes, you are serving other things.
There are things the Lord did not command you,
Things that attract you.
These things will separate you from the Lord,
You will not be firm with God.
You will be inclined to human desires,
God's purpose, your heart will put aside.
Seeing this, God will sadden,
Seeing that He is losing a son.
God created and loved him, but He is losing him,
Now the person goes after what did not create him.
The attention of the person keeps divided,
She follows other teachings and also the Bible.
God is being kept aside,
Other things are always in her mind.
God does not tolerate this division!
He wants his sons with full dedication.
His glory, God does not accept to divide!
His people must dedicate to Him their lives.
Following the wickedness path,
The person deviates from righteousness.
They are building lies in his heart,
From God and his salvation, they keep apart.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume IV.

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