Thursday, August 29, 2024


I am a poor sinner.

Of your grace, I am not worthy.

Many mistakes and transgressions, I did.

Your affection, I am not worthy of feeling it.


Even so, the Lord loved me,

Ridding me of a terrible destiny.

The Lord came and introduced himself to me.

Your word has changed my life.


The Lord is a God so marvelous,

He has rid my spirit of a terrible end.

Your hand came to rescue me,

To salvation, He will take me.


Only the Lord is God!

His benignity endures forever.

The Lord is so good,

Even the poor sinner, He has mercy.

To eternal salvation, He will take him.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume I.

See the book:

Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Calling to Salvation

The Lord does everything to save,

He sends people to talk in his name.

He does everything for the person to see,

He shows signs for the person to believe.

For God, the person is being called,

Each day, a wonder is revealed.

The Lord makes efforts to get that person,

For one more soul to get salvation.

The chosen one is valuable for the Lord,

It was for each of them that God sent the Savior.

Many people have one new opportunity,

And they will not be condemned for all eternity.

For his chosen ones, there is a project of the Lord,

Where his people shall come back to God.

They will come back to his mighty kingdom,

Uniting to Him as a bride to the bridegroom.

Many people, the Lord will call,

But He will not be heard for all.

They will prefer their own ways,

Walking alone to the death and abyss.

For the Lord’s voice, each one needs to pay attention,

When He calls, each one must be ready with disposition.

Because the Lord calls once for salvation,

It is the only opportunity to flee from condemnation.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume V.

See the book:

Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Power of Solomon

Solomon was a wise king and followed clever ways,

He was powerful during all his days.

Nobody could compare himself to him,

In wisdom matters, nobody could face him.

The kingdom was quiet and prospered in everything,

An abundant life, Solomon was living.

He got married to too many women,

And many concubines were on hand.

There were many women to be controlled,

There were one thousand that were counted.

Solomon fell in love with all of them,

And he began to disobey God’s commands.

The women led him to their abominations,

Leading him to follow their gods in adoration.

The heart of the king was being contaminated,

By God, this behavior was reprobate.

There rose many enemies against Solomon,

They declared war against him and the kingdom.

That was a tighten time for him,

And he knew his time was finishing.

The Lord said that he would stop reigning,

And the throne would pass to another after him.

Times later, what the Lord said happened,

This did not take too much, and Solomon died.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume IV.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

The Judges of Israel

After they have a time of tranquility,

The people of Israel went to practice iniquity.

In paths the Lord did not teach, they were following,

To other gods, they were turning.

The wrath of the Lord rose against them,

His protection was taken from them.

By other people, they were subjugated,

In many nations, they were mistreated.

This punishment was because of the disobedience,

That people did not act with decency.

They did what is evil in the eyes of the Lord,

Prostituting themselves with unworthy gods.

For a long time, that people suffered,

With great difficulty, they survived.

When they already were abated and tired,

To be free again, to the Lord, they cried.

The Lord heard the crying of his people,

He raised judges to free them again.

Honored people judged the whole Israel land,

They were always attentive to messages from heaven.

They did according to the Lord’s commands,

With the people, was the Lord’s hand.

Again, the people of Israel got liberty,

They could go back to the Lord and his safety.

But when one of the judges died,

Again, prostitution entered Israel’s people’s lives.

They forgot everything the Lord made,

They came back to the idols’ ways.

Israel was oppressed again,

They cried to the Lord to free them.

The Lord assisted them one more time,

God raised another judge to save their lives.

As long as the judge was alive, they obeyed,

They prostituted again when he died.

They had no faithfulness to the Lord,

Even so, they were always saved by God.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume III.

See the book:

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Forever I Will Love You

Forever, I will love you,

I want to show this love the whole time.

Your love is a reality.

Life with you will be for eternity.

No one can separate us.

The Lord chose me to be on his side.

I want to adore you the entire time.


A pure and true adoration,

One feeling that does not see any limitation.

I want to go out and cry:

“Jesus! I will love you for my entire life!

I love you because of the gift you gave me.

Amid a sinful world, you chose me.”


Jesus is my best friend,

All the time, He is holding my hand.

One love like that you cannot find.

The love of the world wants to cheat you,

Because according to what you have, they love you.

With Jesus, things are not in this way.

He only wants your commitment and faith.


Always faithful, I must be,

From all evil, I will flee.

The Lord gives me the strength to do it.

He moves me away from the evil of the enemy.

In a good way, He put me.


It is the unique path that I will be,

In eternal life with God, I will live.

I will always sing praise to Him.

In plenty of happiness, I will be,

Because I know that forever I will live.


For this awesome gift, I will always thank.

A wonder like that, no one can grant.

Jesus, I adore and praise you with all my being.

With you, the death, I can win,

One more time, I thank you:

Thank you, Lord, I was chosen by you.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume II.

See the book: