Thursday, August 8, 2024

The Judges of Israel

After they have a time of tranquility,

The people of Israel went to practice iniquity.

In paths the Lord did not teach, they were following,

To other gods, they were turning.

The wrath of the Lord rose against them,

His protection was taken from them.

By other people, they were subjugated,

In many nations, they were mistreated.

This punishment was because of the disobedience,

That people did not act with decency.

They did what is evil in the eyes of the Lord,

Prostituting themselves with unworthy gods.

For a long time, that people suffered,

With great difficulty, they survived.

When they already were abated and tired,

To be free again, to the Lord, they cried.

The Lord heard the crying of his people,

He raised judges to free them again.

Honored people judged the whole Israel land,

They were always attentive to messages from heaven.

They did according to the Lord’s commands,

With the people, was the Lord’s hand.

Again, the people of Israel got liberty,

They could go back to the Lord and his safety.

But when one of the judges died,

Again, prostitution entered Israel’s people’s lives.

They forgot everything the Lord made,

They came back to the idols’ ways.

Israel was oppressed again,

They cried to the Lord to free them.

The Lord assisted them one more time,

God raised another judge to save their lives.

As long as the judge was alive, they obeyed,

They prostituted again when he died.

They had no faithfulness to the Lord,

Even so, they were always saved by God.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume III.

See the book:

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