Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Power of Solomon

Solomon was a wise king and followed clever ways,

He was powerful during all his days.

Nobody could compare himself to him,

In wisdom matters, nobody could face him.

The kingdom was quiet and prospered in everything,

An abundant life, Solomon was living.

He got married to too many women,

And many concubines were on hand.

There were many women to be controlled,

There were one thousand that were counted.

Solomon fell in love with all of them,

And he began to disobey God’s commands.

The women led him to their abominations,

Leading him to follow their gods in adoration.

The heart of the king was being contaminated,

By God, this behavior was reprobate.

There rose many enemies against Solomon,

They declared war against him and the kingdom.

That was a tighten time for him,

And he knew his time was finishing.

The Lord said that he would stop reigning,

And the throne would pass to another after him.

Times later, what the Lord said happened,

This did not take too much, and Solomon died.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume IV.

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