Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Tree That Could Not Grow

Like a tree, I want to grow,

A showy and excellent plant, I want to show.

Let my branches spread out to all sides,

And my treetop and trunk reach the skies.


Growing is my innermost heart’s desire,

This thought catches my imagination all the time.

I always seek the best soil for my development,

I always seek ways for self-improvement.


I seek pure water streams constantly,

They will supply my needs permanently.

I do my best to achieve success,

But I am not growing; nothing has any effect.


After carefully analyzing my situation,

I discovered I live in a sad condition.

I discovered I do not grow because I am surrounded,

I do not grow because I am being obfuscated.


There are many big and old trees in the way,

They always try to thwart my plans every day.

None of them supports the way I try to go,

But all of them criticize me when I try to grow.

They say growth is not meant for me,

They say all my actions will do for nothing.

Long ago, these trees stopped dreaming,

Now, their mission is trying to discourage me.


I cannot hear them, I cannot stop to fight,

I need exceptional help to improve my life.

This wonderful help will come from that one who created me,

The help of the gardener, the Lord, I will receive.


God will open the way to my growth,

Taking off all that was covering me; all the shadows.

The Lord always believes in what I can do,

He always blesses my way and makes something good.


Like the gardener, God cared about His creation,

He poured out His blessing and removed any limitations.

I have learned I must trust and believe only in the Lord,

He is the only one who gifts me true love.

God is the unique who will always help me,

My growth will never stop since I continue with Him.

This poem is part of the book Words of Faith.

See the book:

Thursday, June 20, 2024

I am very proud of everything you do

I am proud that you constantly forget the Creator. Everything in your lives becomes more important than Him.

I am proud that you created machismo. You use the Creator's words to diminish the importance and value of those who should be by your side. And beyond diminishing them, you assault, humiliate, mistreat them, and do unspeakable things.

I am proud that you created countless prejudices. You always find ways to separate yourselves. You consider yourselves superior and think you have permission to attack those who are the image and likeness of the Creator.

I am proud of your lack of consideration for what the Creator has given you. You destroy and consume the planet at an astonishing speed. No warning, study, or catastrophe can make you sensitive. You keep destroying in the name of progress.

I am proud that you love lies so much. You love spreading false news, unfounded theories, and mere fanciful speculations. And what makes me most proud is that you call this freedom. And every time someone tries to punish the liars, you create manipulative narratives that lead people to believe that punishment is oppression.

I am proud of the contradiction in your conservative acts. You do the impossible to prevent an abortion, but you do nothing to feed a hungry child. You severely criticize homosexuality, but let sexual impurity dominate you. You promote boycotts of content you consider inappropriate but do not promote the Creator's content.

I am proud of your lack of love for your neighbor. One human being has resources for a thousand future generations, while others do not know when their next meal will be. You seek life on other planets but forget the needy in your city.

I am proud of the apathy of the church. Many no longer make any difference in the world. They are just a social club. Some NGOs are more relevant than the churches.

I am proud of the distortion of the Creator's Word. You have created so many doctrines, rules, and commandments that it is difficult to know what the Truth is.

Signed: The Devil.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

From Preoccupation to Peace

I wake up, and it starts the preoccupation

I have no peace but agitation

I get agitated thinking: what will come?

I get nervous imagining: what will go on?

My nerves are troubled

All my being is very exalted.


I live like that all the days

There is no peace in my ways

I’m always fatigued

I’m completely exhausted

I have no strength for anything

My flame is decreasing.


I need help to free me

Someone who can relieve me

I need a merciful hand

Someone to bring me to the promised land

I need to get out of this prison

Someone who gives me liberation.

There is only one who can do this

Someone able to understand me

The Lord God can save me

He’ll free me from the anguish

I’ll be able to walk carefree

He’ll relieve me from what was heavy.


I’ll deliver to the Lord my preoccupation

He will lead me to a solution

That seemed totally impossible

With God converts into possible

I’ll continue trusting in His great help,

I know that I’m not alone in my battle.


The mighty hand of God will cover me

From the evils, He’ll protect me

To infinite peace, He’ll lead me

A new life will begin

Leaving all stress and preoccupation

Living confidently in the God of my salvation.

This poem is part of the book Words of Faith.

See the book:

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Death’s Time

Nobody knows about tomorrow,

No one knows what will happen.

People can make many plans,

And tomorrow may not even come.


Nobody knows the time they will die,

Nobody knows until when they will be alive.

Everyone knows that death will happen,

At the moment that has not waited,

It can bring us great amazement.


Today may be your last day,

Maybe tomorrow your life will be taken away.

Will you die happy and realized?

Did you do everything you desired?


In life, it is possible to do some things,

Gain a lot of money, to be important.

To be a genial person, to be brilliant.

But one thing is needed to think:

“And after I die, is the end of everything?”


The answer to this question is not!

Your life does not end when you die.

At least not your spiritual life.

This one will continue eternally,

Regardless of whether you were good or bad.

If you were good and saved by God,

In heaven, your soul will arrive,

You will be received with happiness by the Lord.

But if you were not saved by God.

Something very bad will happen.

They will throw you in eternal torment,

And from there, you will never leave.


Choose carefully how to lead your life.

In this world, there is nothing for sure.

Today you are good and alive,

And tomorrow, maybe you are in hell.


Do not leave God for a later time,

You do not know what will happen in your life.

Do not wait for the future to change,

Because the future may not even arrive…

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume III.

See the book: