Thursday, June 6, 2024

Death’s Time

Nobody knows about tomorrow,

No one knows what will happen.

People can make many plans,

And tomorrow may not even come.


Nobody knows the time they will die,

Nobody knows until when they will be alive.

Everyone knows that death will happen,

At the moment that has not waited,

It can bring us great amazement.


Today may be your last day,

Maybe tomorrow your life will be taken away.

Will you die happy and realized?

Did you do everything you desired?


In life, it is possible to do some things,

Gain a lot of money, to be important.

To be a genial person, to be brilliant.

But one thing is needed to think:

“And after I die, is the end of everything?”


The answer to this question is not!

Your life does not end when you die.

At least not your spiritual life.

This one will continue eternally,

Regardless of whether you were good or bad.

If you were good and saved by God,

In heaven, your soul will arrive,

You will be received with happiness by the Lord.

But if you were not saved by God.

Something very bad will happen.

They will throw you in eternal torment,

And from there, you will never leave.


Choose carefully how to lead your life.

In this world, there is nothing for sure.

Today you are good and alive,

And tomorrow, maybe you are in hell.


Do not leave God for a later time,

You do not know what will happen in your life.

Do not wait for the future to change,

Because the future may not even arrive…

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume III.

See the book:

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