Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Tree That Could Not Grow

Like a tree, I want to grow,

A showy and excellent plant, I want to show.

Let my branches spread out to all sides,

And my treetop and trunk reach the skies.


Growing is my innermost heart’s desire,

This thought catches my imagination all the time.

I always seek the best soil for my development,

I always seek ways for self-improvement.


I seek pure water streams constantly,

They will supply my needs permanently.

I do my best to achieve success,

But I am not growing; nothing has any effect.


After carefully analyzing my situation,

I discovered I live in a sad condition.

I discovered I do not grow because I am surrounded,

I do not grow because I am being obfuscated.


There are many big and old trees in the way,

They always try to thwart my plans every day.

None of them supports the way I try to go,

But all of them criticize me when I try to grow.

They say growth is not meant for me,

They say all my actions will do for nothing.

Long ago, these trees stopped dreaming,

Now, their mission is trying to discourage me.


I cannot hear them, I cannot stop to fight,

I need exceptional help to improve my life.

This wonderful help will come from that one who created me,

The help of the gardener, the Lord, I will receive.


God will open the way to my growth,

Taking off all that was covering me; all the shadows.

The Lord always believes in what I can do,

He always blesses my way and makes something good.


Like the gardener, God cared about His creation,

He poured out His blessing and removed any limitations.

I have learned I must trust and believe only in the Lord,

He is the only one who gifts me true love.

God is the unique who will always help me,

My growth will never stop since I continue with Him.

This poem is part of the book Words of Faith.

See the book:

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