Thursday, June 20, 2024

I am very proud of everything you do

I am proud that you constantly forget the Creator. Everything in your lives becomes more important than Him.

I am proud that you created machismo. You use the Creator's words to diminish the importance and value of those who should be by your side. And beyond diminishing them, you assault, humiliate, mistreat them, and do unspeakable things.

I am proud that you created countless prejudices. You always find ways to separate yourselves. You consider yourselves superior and think you have permission to attack those who are the image and likeness of the Creator.

I am proud of your lack of consideration for what the Creator has given you. You destroy and consume the planet at an astonishing speed. No warning, study, or catastrophe can make you sensitive. You keep destroying in the name of progress.

I am proud that you love lies so much. You love spreading false news, unfounded theories, and mere fanciful speculations. And what makes me most proud is that you call this freedom. And every time someone tries to punish the liars, you create manipulative narratives that lead people to believe that punishment is oppression.

I am proud of the contradiction in your conservative acts. You do the impossible to prevent an abortion, but you do nothing to feed a hungry child. You severely criticize homosexuality, but let sexual impurity dominate you. You promote boycotts of content you consider inappropriate but do not promote the Creator's content.

I am proud of your lack of love for your neighbor. One human being has resources for a thousand future generations, while others do not know when their next meal will be. You seek life on other planets but forget the needy in your city.

I am proud of the apathy of the church. Many no longer make any difference in the world. They are just a social club. Some NGOs are more relevant than the churches.

I am proud of the distortion of the Creator's Word. You have created so many doctrines, rules, and commandments that it is difficult to know what the Truth is.

Signed: The Devil.

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