Saturday, December 30, 2023

A Simple Life

Daily, animals get out of their hidden places to seek their food supply. Each of them knows they must do their best to get what they want. However, during this search, the unexpected can happen.

They may not find what they are looking for. Another animal can take away their goal or disturb their search. Or they may find less than expected.

The way animals act brings us some very interesting reflections. They don’t care about news of the economy or politics; nor do they worry about what is beyond their reach.

If something goes wrong, or they are wronged; they don’t revenge, and don’t alter their character to reply to the situation. They keep faithful to what they were created to be.

They also don’t worry about the future: days, months, or years. The very thing they are concerned about is winning that day.

May the animals’ ways inspire us to go ahead; to have an incorruptible and immutable character, and to calm anxiety, living each day at a time.

And above all creation is the Lord, who created them like us. God protects all He made. The creation only needs to be attentive to the voice of the Creator.

Matthew 6:27-28

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

Saturday, December 16, 2023


A child is led by their parents everywhere because they don’t know where to go. Besides that, the path may be dangerous. They can follow the wrong way, or some bad company can get close.

Parents ensure their protection, guiding them by hand, indicating where and how they must follow, and putting away all that could disturb or hurt them. Parents do their best to keep the child well.

And the child, even not knowing where is going, trusts in their parents. They don't even know all the details of the journey; they know their parents would never lead them to something bad. And even when the child thinks that was led to an unpleasant place, they find out that all makes sense, and all had a good reason.

When we are children we have more faith and trust than when we become adults. We don’t believe in the path that God is leading us on. We think that He doesn’t care about us, or He has abandoned us.

But the truth is: like a Great Loving Father, the Lord sees the whole path and the final destination. He leads us through paths that will make us grow, develop, strengthen, and become all He dreamed of.

Psalm 25:4-5

Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Reply to the Gospel of the Ostentation

If you think like that, everything is wrong,
Your heart's contamination has already been done.
The truth of God, you cannot see,
You think to be Christian is with God trading.

God does not accept negotiation nor reward,
The offer that is given must come from the heart.
The most expensive gift, God already gave us,
The Lord has chosen and conceded salvation to us.

The offerings are for the works to be kept,
To the ministries grow and save lives,
The offerings are to pay all bills,
They are not a coin you can deal.

You have to abandon this demoniac greed,
You must remember the beginning, what God promised.
God promised He would lead your soul to salvation,
He did not promise He would give you things for ostentation.

Jesus Christ himself was an example of humility,
Being the son of God, He had no property.
For the whole land, only with his feet, He walked,
Even not a little old donkey, He bought.

The apostles had almost nothing,
Jesus followers left the houses where they were living,
To them, what was essential never lacked,
All that was needed, the Lord provided.

You have no right to humiliate anyone,
They are God’s creation, you have to help everyone.
If you do not do it, your soul you are condemning,
The god of this age, in your body, is inhabiting.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume III.

See the book:

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Learning on Difficulties

Sometimes life goes through ways not planned,
It occurs what is not desired, and does not happen the hoped.
Initially, we get uneasy, without knowing the reason for it,
We want to know why that thing is happening.

We stay sad, nervous, and revolted about the situation,
We want to know the reason; we seek an explanation.
Although we tried, we will not be able to clarify,
We will not reach a conclusion, although we desire.

For some time, we got very anguished and frustrated,
But this goes away, and soon we fight for everything to be solved.
For what seemed impossible, we can find a way to solve it,
Then, we can rest, and we feel great relief.

After some time, we know there is happening a similar problem,
Immediately we think, “I have the experience to solve that problem.”
We help that one who was sad and did not know what to do in his life,
We give them strength and we support them to go back to good times.

After that, we can understand the context of everything,
We passed through a bad situation to learn something.
God taught us how to deal with that complicated situation,
Then, through our help, another life could have a transformation.

This poem is part of the book Life Through the Words.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Light Days and Dark Days

Every day, the sun rises and fills the whole Earth with its wonderful light.

This certainty makes us feel comfortable and safe. We know that there will be sun and a lightened day. All will happen according to the plan, another day like any other.

But there are days when the sun hides itself. Dense dark clouds cover its light. The sky gets dark, announcing a storm. We feel fear and insecurity because we don’t know what will come.

The storm falls impetuously; everything goes down the drain. Nothing stands where it was; peace turns into chaos.

Similar situations happen in our lives. Everything is working perfectly, as we had dreamed. And, suddenly, something changes, and we are shaken.

We think the storm will be endless; it will be forever and will never go away…

But as the storm goes away the sun shines again. Our lives will be restored as well. The storm that seemed to be the end will bring us renewal. It will raise new opportunities and fresh starts; everything will be new.

Psalms 107:28-29

Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Believe That You Can Do Everything!

The world we live in constantly tries to discourage us. Even those who are closer say unpleasant things.

“Why do you believe that you will get it?”

“I don’t know anyone who did it!”

“This isn’t for you. No chance!”

Many of these discouraging words take root in our hearts. We start to doubt ourselves and our capability. We reach the point to think and say the same things.

“This is too hard; I won’t be able to.”

“I’m not good enough for this.”

“This isn’t for me.”

These ideas must be eliminated from our minds. We are capable of doing great, incredible, wonderful, spectacular things. Believe that you can and will do it. Be your bigger motivator.

“If nobody did, I’ll be the first one.”

“This is hard, but God will help me.”

“Everything is possible for one who believes.”

The change of thinking will help you to fight and conquer what you dream of.

Proverbs 12:14

From the fruit of their lips people are filled with good things, and the work of their hands brings them reward.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Changing the Vision

Sometimes we stay sad because we do not get something,
We stay unpleased, and about what we do not have, we think.
In our hearts arises a big feeling of unhappiness,
Because what we desire, we do not possess.
At this moment, we forget all conquered things,
About what we have in our lives, we forget everything.
We cannot see the blessings we have already received,
For what we do not have, we are looking fixedly.
We need to change our vision, and look in another direction,
For everything we already have, we must show appreciation.
We must thank God for everything He already gave us,
We must stop demanding from God what has not happened to us.
Our hearts must keep calm and trust in God,
Knowing that at the right time, what we need will be given by the Lord.
Because God is perfect, and He will never fail in anything,
We only have to learn to trust and wait for Him.

This poem is part of the book Life Through the Words.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023


Sometimes, we are in situations hard to deal with,
We think that our lives will be affected in some way.
We notice there are some hard troubles to fix,
Although we try to solve it, we will be impacted by something.
Seeing the imminent situation, we only have to prepare,
Trying to decrease the damage of what will impact.
After doing what is possible, we stay conformed,
Thinking: I already did my best for the danger to be avoided.
We hope passively for what has been known previously,
There is nothing more to do besides the plans we already made.
At the expected moment, something different happens to us,
We receive something perfect that helps and enriches us.
We do not know from where came this good thing,
Because it is more than what we were thinking.
Now, we have to celebrate, and thank for the received blessing,
Remembering That One who gave us this victory.
We have to thank God who showed his love to us,
Recognizing that even without deserving, his grace, He gave us.
Noticing how much God cares for us in each moment,
He turned into happiness what was once a source of torment.

This poem is part of the book Life Through the Words.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

The Gospel of the Ostentation

I am evangelical, and I have a very expensive car,
I went to a church, and my reward is going far.
I only needed to sacrifice to get all of it,
All the money I gained, I put in my offerings.

I have many houses and even a mansion,
My heart has the desire for conquering and expansion.
I have to buy all the expensive things,
To make this happen, I only need to give offerings.

Before a generous offering, God has to repay me,
If I give all I have, He must give something to me.
The more I gain, the more I will offer,
The more I have, the more I want to conquer.

I want to gain all the possible money,
Brand clothes, leather shoes, and everything, I will buy.
I will have so much; I even will have a private jet,
All this is to show all the things I can get.

I want to exhibit everything that God gives me,
How much He can prosper me, people have to see.
May I humiliate all my enemies,
And those who humbled me, start to envy me.

A full and rich life; I need to have,
If God does not give, then, it is not worth believing.
The most important is what He is giving,
And not if my soul will be saved.

Since God is the owner, the children have to use,
On Earth, I will gather many treasures.
When I die, in a luxury coffin, they will bury me,
In heaven, in the house close to God, I will live,
Because I know, there, it will also be worth my wealth.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume III.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Everyone is the Same

For God, all people are equal,
Everyone is sinful and mortal.
There is no one different,
We have to change our judgement.
We must not separate anybody,
We must not judge anybody.
All brothers, we must accept.
We will praise the Lord together.
The Lord judges only the heart.
We judge people according to what we see,
If he has a good presentation.
We put him in a high position.
But if he seems poor and scruffy.
We even try to hide him.
If we do it, the Lord will not delight.
Because God chose them to exalt their lives.
But we, weak people, want to humble them,
By doing this favouritism, God will charge us.
We must change our thought and judgement,
We must give everyone the same treatment.
God decided that everyone can be saved.
And his supreme law, we must obey.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume II.

See the book:

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Gospel of the Freedom

The Gospel of Christ brings freedom,
It is a Gospel without the base in religion.
It is not a Gospel made to put people in prison,
It is a Gospel available for everyone.
On the side of Christ, we are free to adore Him,
And with God, we can have a relationship.
The real power, we are free to see,
Each person inhabits the Holy Spirit.
The Spirit shows us what we have to do,
He says that for Jesus Christ, we must be thankful.
Because He was our great and powerful rescuer.
Freeing all chains of the sinner.
All freed people are under his protection,
They are bestowed with an undeserved gift of salvation.
The salvation that the sinner did not deserve,
Even so, God was merciful and kept him preserved.
We must enjoy the freedom of Christ,
We are showing the world the action of love in each life.
Showing everyone that God can free,
And everyone can live an eternal life with Him.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume IV.

Monday, July 3, 2023

Jesus, the New Chance

In no moment, Jesus condemned,
Even his executioners were acquitted.
Christ does not represent condemnation,
Jesus came to represent salvation.
For the sins of all people, He has paid,
In this way, everyone could be saved.
The cross is a chance for all people to find reconciliation,
Each one can return to God's ways and his direction.
Those who before were condemned,
They had all their sins forgiven and erased.
They left the darkness and condemnation,
And by God, they were led to salvation.
About this news, Jesus was the mediator,
Before God, He is our intercessor.
Freeing all the people of any accusation,
Giving forgiveness and love to the chosen ones.
The love of the Lord is so amazing,
That He gave his Son for all people's sins.
Jesus showed the biggest love in his actions,
The election, the forgiveness, and Lord's salvation.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume V.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

The Day That Jesus Got Nervous

Source of the image: Spoiled Milks

You read correctly, there was an episode in which Jesus got nervous, it is narrated in the four Gospels, but in John, there is an extra detail in the narration.

When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. In the temple courts he found people selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money. So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. To those who sold doves he said, “Get these out of here! Stop turning my Father’s house into a market!” His disciples remembered that it is written: “Zeal for your house will consume me.” (John 2:13-17. Bible NIV.)

Among all reports of Christ’s life in the Gospels, this has a particularity. The text doesn’t show Jesus as calm and gentle as he is portrayed in other texts. Neither shows Jesus only talking with authority against the Masters of the Law. This time, Jesus uses physical force. Verse 15 says that he made a whip out of cords to drive out those who were trading goods in the temple. Matthew and Mark report that Jesus overturned the tables and the benches of those who were selling in the Temple.

These actions deviate from Jesus’ usual behavior, I suppose even the disciples got scared when they saw the Master being so radical to the point to use a whip out. But all that Jesus did has a reason.

Historical context

Jewish people went to the Temple to offer sacrifices to God. And because of the urbanization of that society, many of them hadn’t flocks and needed to purchase animals to offer them to God. So far, so good. The problem starts at the moment that the priests allowed the entrance of merchants into the Temple. The Law of Moses is very clear and exhaustive when it mentions purification rituals to get into the Tent of Meeting (future Temple), the person should be ceremonially clean and should get in only with the sacrifice; that was a Holy Place.

However, during the time of Jesus, the Temple was even open to merchants, and they sold and profited in the House of God. Another important point, according to the Bible King James Study Bible (Portuguese Version), there was a “scheme” between merchants and the priests. The faithful ones bought the animal and delivered it to the priest for the sacrifice. But the priest didn’t sacrifice it, he gave back the animal to the merchant to sell it again. So, they divided the profits. There was a set of errors and sins in the Temple. Matthew, Mark and Luke report Jesus’ words:

“It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will be called a house of prayer,’ but you are making it ‘a den of robbers.’ (Matthew 21:13; Mark 11:17; Luke 19:46)

What do these happenings teach us?

This text made me reflect on the role of the church in society. Think with me: Jesus lived and died under the rule of the Roman Empire, and the Romans are known for their sinful practices: violence, injustice, promiscuity, perversion, etc. Jesus didn’t go into the Roman palace to condemn their sins, nor did he require his disciples and followers to do so. For the Lord, it wasn’t a priority to change what happened in general civil society (Jews and non-Jews). Jesus got angry and required changes in His House, the Temple. The sin was starting there inside, in leadership. The Lord wanted to show that the House of God must be the first place to be purified, then, everyone will have a place for true adoration and devotion to God.

And today, think about how the Christians are behaving. Everyone is more concerned about civil society than the church. If a rumor arises about some law against Christian principles, people get scared, revolt, and do their best to fight that. But, what about when a church teaches doctrines against the Bible? What about when a pastor or leader sexually harasses the women of the church? What about when a church uses God’s name as a source of income? What about when a church evades taxes and doesn’t comply with current laws? What about when a church gets involved in illicit acts to get financial resources? What about when a church covers up domestic violence? What about when a church covers marital infidelity?

The list of errors and sins is endless, but the church is more concerned about what happens outside of it. Jesus also spoke about the hypocrisy in judgment:

“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. (Matthews 7:3-5; Luke 6:41-42)

And the Apostle Paul also speaks about the importance of judging those who are inside:

I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people— not at all meaning the people of this world who are immoral, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters. In that case you would have to leave this world. But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people. What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? (1 Corinthians 5:9-12)


The message of Jesus is very clear: purify the church from all sin. The church must be a refuge, a House of Prayer for all the people.

If the church acts like the world, for what reason anyone will seek anything different there?

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Relationship with God

With God, we want to build a relationship,
Of the Father, we want to get close to him.
It is the right attitude, and it is too admirable,
And this must be done honourable.
A good relationship demands submission,
Giving to God our heart and dedication.
Trusting in all the Lord's ways,
Forgetting what we wished for in the past days.
Our life needs to be well-established,
God's words shall be our base.
God's commandments are our way of living,
Obeying everything, we will get close to him.
When we are obeying the Lord,
We are showing our love to God.
We are saying we love his truth,
And in his will, we always trust.
The relationship with God must be in these ways,
Watching his law and being happy every day.
The Lord approves this relationship,
Because a changed and new life is shown to Him.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume V.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Forget the Noun, Do the Verb

Picture from Pixabay on Pexels

In a simple definition, a noun is a word used to give a name to things. Example: chair, table, box, etc. And the verb is related to the action. Examples: walk, do, think, etc.

I just finished a book that spoke about the creative process, and this book made me think about Christian life. The book's name is ‘Keep Going: 10 Ways to Stay Creative in Good Times and Bad (Austin Kleon)’. The author teaches some methods to awaken and keep creativity.

One of the chapters' names is “Forget the noun, do the verb”. In this chapter, the author reflects on the work (verb) of an artist and their title (noun). The work of a painter is to paint, and the work of a writer is to write. The whole chapter is a lesson about the importance of work to obtain the title related to the work. The author says that many people want to be recognised, but do not work to get recognition.

At this point, I suppose you must be asking yourself what all of this has to do with Christian life. I answer that it is more connected than we can imagine.

Let us think together, the term Christian is a noun that identifies those who profess the Christian faith, those who believe in Jesus Christ. And in the same logic of the book, what are the verbs related to the noun Christian? What is needed to be a genuine Christian?


Picture from Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels

And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. Hebrews 11:6

The first verb of a Christian is to believe. Each one must believe in God and have faith in the promises that He made. I am not speaking about prosperity promises, I am speaking about the greatest blessing God has given us and his greatest promise: his love and eternal life. If we believe in God and his promise, we will seek to please him in everything we do. We will live our lives assured that God is with us in all situations. And this certainty changes everything.


Picture from Raghav bhadoriya on Pexels

14 What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? 15 Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. 16 If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? 17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. James 2:14-17

Another verb very important is to work. This verse is very famous for expressing in a very clear way the relation between faith (to believe) and deeds (to work). Everyone must believe, and at the same time, work to show their faith. Unfortunately, most of us, Christians (I include myself in the group), think that only believing in God and Jesus is enough. We think there are too many people working for God, and our help is not needed or will be useless. But the truth is each worker is essential. Each of us has unique skills, and God can use us powerfully. But for this to happen, we need to be willing to go to work.


Picture from Pixabay on Pexels

This is my command: Love each other. John 15:17

I believe the verb to love is the most complicated of all, and also one of the easiest to be noticed. Returning to the text about faith and deeds, imagine yourself in an ordinary place, and someone asks you for money or something to eat. One person who loves will do their best to help the person, even if they have no resources, they will pray for the person and ask God to bless that life. And if the person has resources, they will help. The one who observes a situation like that will think: “Certainly that person is a Christian.”

Think about the contrary now. The person does not pray, or then, they have resources but do not help. The one who observes will think: “There is no way someone like this person is a Christian. They saw someone asking for help and mistreated them. Those who love do not do this to their neighbour”.

In Brazil, there is a situation that demonstrates a lack of love. Many “Christians” get happy when they see news about criminals' death, and some of these people celebrate and repeat the phrase: “A good criminal is a dead criminal.” I understand that all actions have their consequences; however, who am I to celebrate the death of another person? Before God, what makes me so better than others? As Christians, we must get sad after knowing about people's death, especially when they die in sinful situations. That one who died was also created in the image of God.

I suppose that at this point, you already understood the relation between the chapter of the book and Christian life. Summarising, only declaring ourselves as Christians does not make us true Christians. Remember the saying: “Actions speak louder than words.” This certainly holds true for the Christian life.

All day, we must do our best to be practitioners of the commandments and Christian principles.

Forget the noun, do the verb

Saturday, May 6, 2023


Since I have created this blog, I have always published only poems. I have always thought of this blog as a channel to share the Christian poems that I write.

The time passed…

Picture from Towfiqu barbhuiya on Pexels

And now, it's time to change, it's time to evolve because I evolved.

At the beginning of this blog, in 2014, I wrote only poems in Portuguese, but today, in 2023, I write poems, short stories and novels. I write in Portuguese, English, and Spanish.

For some time, I have been thinking about my personal calling and the mission that God commanded me. I know I can and must do more than publish some poems. I can use my writing gift to speak with people through my texts.

From this month, May, I will start publishing texts and reflections about the Christian life. I do not have a specific format or subject for the texts, I will write about what I feel the need and what seems appropriate for each time.

I hope you like what's to come…

Saturday, April 22, 2023

New Reform

Many Christian churches need to be reformed,
Basic sound doctrines must be remembered.
Christians need to come back to Scripture,
Everyone must return to doctrines that are pure.
Pure doctrine is what Jesus taught in his days,
The gospels narrate the things He has said.
But the people forgot all of this,
They forgot Christ's teachings.
Each one follows his own wisdom,
The basis of evangelism is no longer Bible instruction.
Each one says that received a new revelation,
Amid this, each one creates a new religion.
People get lost amid so many new things,
Every day is a church stating it has true preaching.
The truth is something that nobody wants to find,
Each one follows the doctrine that produces delight.
The person wants an easy source of prosperity,
Their religious life is not rooted in true teachings.
The person does not worry about Jesus Christ,
And it does not want to know about his sacrifice.
These churches urgently need to reform,
To the Gospel of Christ, they need to return.
People need to rise for this to happen,
And the truth in the Bible, they must proclaim.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume V.

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Out of the Way

Those who walk in the Lord's ways,
Receive his love every day.
From all devastation, God protects them,
Delivering all the enemies in his hand.
There is nothing that could touch the anointed one,
The Lord protects him from everything and everyone.
The Lord is ahead of him in all his ways,
Holding his hand and protecting him night and day.
If the person leaves that good direction,
God will not be pleased with this action.
He will remove his protection over that person,
It will cease his mighty protection.
About him, all the enemies will come,
They will take off all his possessions.
The person will not be able to do anything,
God is no longer protecting him.
It is terrible to deviate from the Lord,
Nothing is worse than living without his love and favour.
For those who do this, there are painful ways,
And he will be mocked because of his disgrace.
There is a manner to stop all bad happenings,
The person must show regret for his sins.
And he needs to confess them to God,
The person will be forgiven and blessed by the Lord.
To the ways of the Lord, it is needed to come back,
So every kind of evil will turn back,
And from all evils, the Lord will always protect.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume V.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Demonstrating Gratitude

We have to be faithful to the Lord,
He already has blessed us a lot.
He gives us life every day,
He gives us daily bread all day.
To God, we can promise something,
As was said, we must do everything.
We cannot promise things in vain,
We must not have falsehood in our heart.
If a grace the Lord has given you,
And a commitment with God was made by you,
Everything that your heart said, you have to do,
On the commitment to the Lord, you must be faithful.
We must give the best for the vote to the Lord,
We did not receive the worst from God,
A pleasant sacrifice, we must do,
Being honored in the time to be grateful.
The thanks are very important,
Because it shows that we are not arrogant.
It shows that from the Lord, we are dependent.
And we are conscious of all our commitments.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume III.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

The Birth

Two thousand years ago, something very special happened,
In a small town, Bethlehem, a child was born.
It was not a usual birth,
It was the greatest event in the history of the Earth.
One new star came to enlighten the world.
It was Jesus Christ, our Lord.
He came to teach us the truth.
The truth is that only He can save us!
God has sent Him to free us.
We are freed from eternal death through Jesus,
He forgives all our transgressions,
Then, with God, we have a true connection.
All praise and glory be given to the Lord,
Even though we are flawed, He loved us.
Giving his only son to rescue us,
He has paid a very high price,
To do the will of the Father.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume I.

See the book:

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Forgiveness at the Last Hour

On your side, I was been crucified,
I was a bandit condemned.
I had no hope about anything,
I was only sure that my death was coming.
Nothing would change for me,
Of the condemnation, I could not flee.
They will put to end my life,
I thought no one could save me at that time.
On my side, I saw a lord.
Some people called him Saviour,
And others charged him as an evildoer.
I saw something different in that man.
Even if being crucified,
He did not abandon his love for them.
I gave attention to this man,
I felt he was not an ordinary man,
He seemed to be a great king!
I said, ‘Lord, remember me,
When in your kingdom you to get in,’
And from him came the answer:
‘Today in paradise, you will be with me.’
My hope was revived,
Something good, that man promised,
He did not want to condemn me,
He preferred to forgive and save me.
For the glory of Christ, I am going,
I will be together with the great King,
Because my soul pleased Him,
He forgave me for all my sins,
To thee, I deliver my spirit, Lord.
To eternal life, I will go with you.

This poem is part of the book Christian Poetry Volume II.

See the book: