Thursday, June 23, 2022

Anxious Await

Many people want anxiously to meet you,
They wait for the great day when they will see you.
They are desirous for the moment they will contemplate you,
Everyone is waiting for someone to proclaim your name.
Those who wait so long are those who are lost,
Their souls have a strong desire for Christ's love.
Their souls get thirsty, and want to pray and adore you,
For them to do this, they need someone to preach about you.
They need someone to introduce the gospel to them,
Someone who takes God's word seriously like a commitment.
One person who talks only the words of the Lord,
One evangelist, one person separated by God.
All those who were baptized already are good evangelists,
They need to do their role in the gospel, being preachers.
For all places, they must announce the message of the Lord,
Giving the lost ones the opportunity to meet their Savior.
When everyone meets the Saviour, new people will be,
The desire to evangelize will be one thing wholeheartedly.
This desire makes the newly converted go to preach,
For everyone, the love of Jesus Christ, He wants to spread.

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