Friday, June 17, 2022

The Transformation of God

I want to see your greatness,
I want to watch You and see your glory.
I hope on You many blessings,
I hope You write in me a new history.
Only your mercy can save the people,
For everyone, the Lord has many protections.
On our walking, You are ridding us from all evils,
Taking us to the right, in a good direction.
Our well, only the Lord who knows it.
He makes a way we do not understand it,
In each new way, a new stage is coming up,
And each stage we pass, we are growing up.
We grow mainly in the spiritual things,
God makes us people improved in everything,
People who avoid evil ways,
And seek truths on Sacred Scriptures' pages.

This poem is part of the book Diverse Poems Volume I.

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