Wednesday, June 22, 2022

New Doctrines

Some people do everything and claim they are preaching,
They say the name of Jesus they have to proclaim.
They do not matter about the way they will announce it,
They do not think they will evangelize or ridicule it.
This preaching at any cost deviates from the truth,
Non-believers do not see a real gospel in what they do.
It seems the preacher wants to promote himself,
Many preachers do not matter if they corrupt the gospel.
They mix the gospel with all kinds of abominations, 
They introduce things of paganism into the Christian religion.
The preachers promote some parties and many events,
Many of them are very lost, and they build and love monuments.
To justify themselves, they use some texts from the Bible,
But they use them incorrectly because they are distorted.
When someone questions, they say they must reply to the Lord,
They do not accept any people to be their mentors.
The faithful people follow everything with big naturalness,
Without noticing, they participate in much wickedness.
Some of them know they are practicing the wrong things,
They do not go away because they were not freed of the sin.
To stop this aberration, it is needed to come back to simplicity,
Always studying the scriptures and analyzing every novelty.
Only in this way, it is possible to preach in the way that Christ taught,
Knowing his word, we will know who was sent by the Lord.

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