Wednesday, June 22, 2022

One Flock and the Wolves

The whole flock wants to be led to the Creator,
Every one of them wants to be led to the Lord.
The sheep do not want to walk alone and scattered,
They know the flock needs a good leader.
Knowing this need of the flock, the wolves will infiltrate,
The flock will trust them because of the good words they will say.
The poor little sheep do not know they are following the evil,
None of them sees that the path followed is mortal.
The wolves lead the flock, getting it out of the Lord's light,
These leeches are devouring the Creator's people's lives.
They do the sheep donate even its last wool lint,
The wolves promise if they donate, a good future is coming.
The sheep with little knowledge believe in everything,
They think their wolf-shepherd is the best in the world.
They cannot notice they are walking to the butchery,
They do not notice they eat grass and the wolf-shepherd, the best things.
For these sheep, there is only one chance to survive,
The good shepherd has to come and clean their eyes.
One shepherd that will be sent by the Lord, a lovely shepherd,
One shepherd who cares about the flock and will not lead it to death.

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