Wednesday, June 22, 2022


One day, the master wrote: everything is vanity.
Many read this word, but in this truth, they do not believe it.
They observe the vanity only in the act of becoming attractive,
They do not pay attention, and everywhere there is vanity.
If you did not notice, read to begin to see it.
There is vanity when someone buys something new to show themselves,
They purchase what they do not need for others to envy them.
If they see someone with some good, they buy another better,
They do it only to create inferiority feelings in their brother.
The unique thing the other sees in the person is their appearance,
In all places they are, the person wants to show themselves,
The person always wants everyone to notice they are there.
In all kinds of events or situations, they must get attention,
They need to be seen and increase their self-appreciation.
The person tries to show herself even in the house of God,
They do everything in the church to have an opportunity at the altar.
The desire to be on the altar is not to praise and exalt the Lord,
The person desires to go there for everyone to see them,
They want to be seen by people, then, they have reasons to praise them.
After this quick reading, you have noticed where the vanity is.
Even where there should be a place to praise and adore, it does exist.
The selfishness controlling the heart is the root of the vanity,
Everyone always wants to satisfy themselves in their living.
Nothing satiates those who live in vanities,
They will desire everything and will never get it.
These people are far from the words of the Lord,
Their hearts have deviated, and they do not serve God.
They should remember the words said by Jesus Christ,
The best to do is to serve others during your Christian life.

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