Friday, June 17, 2022

The Path With Jesus

Sometimes, I stay so sad,
It seems I am alone.
But I am not alone,
Jesus is with me in my path.

Jesus Christ is our Lord,
Lord of the world and redeemer,
Redeemer of all faithful people,
Besides the faithful, until the greatest sinner.

The sin destroys you,
Destroys your precious soul.
A soul with more value,
The value paid with blood,
Blood of Christ, our rescuer.

Only Jesus will save you,
Save from the perdition,
Perdition that is in the world,
A world full of destruction,
Destruction of the lives,
Lives that are thrown away,
Away from the plan of God,
God who acts without delay.

God in everyone will act,
Act to change lives,
All life will be improved,
In all things, and your way will be transformed,
Transforming the failure into a very special victory,
A special victory because is very blessed,
Blessed, unique and perfect.
Perfect because cannot be compared,
Compare with God is impossible,
Impossible because only Him is unequalled.

This poem is part of the book Diverse Poems Volume I.

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