Thursday, June 23, 2022

Preaching at Any Cost

Unfortunately, most of the churches invented a new “god”,
It is a mixing of pagan gods with the Jews' God.
It is a new god, a modern, different, and rewarding god,
The statements of people are obeyed by this god.
For the followers of this god, salvation is the last thing,
In faithful people's lives, the unique matter is to profit and gain.
Inside their churches, they do not say words like love and help,
The unique thing they teach is the believer must prosper.
They are close to God with their lips, but in their hearts, they negate Him,
Everyone has already forgotten the sacrifice of Christ for salvation.
Some of them are practically selling the Lord's Grace,
They extort faithful people saying that Heaven is for those who pay.
And when someone talks against them, he is considered an apostate,
Those who defend the word of God are not considered.
Nobody can rise and talk against the Lord's “anointed”,
They even say the leader is there because God put him.
And only the Lord can judge and condemn him.
Lord God! Following this way, where are we going?
There are many lies, and the unbelievers do not believe in anything.
The false masters are leading people to destruction,
Lord, raise true people, people after your heart's intentions.
People who only talk the words said and taught by the Lord,
People full of the Holy Spirit to testify the coming of the Savior.

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