Wednesday, June 22, 2022

God Works to Save

The Lord makes everything to the people change,
He sends many prophets and his truth, they proclaim.
God shows signals and wonders for people to believe,
For people to notice and repent, God makes all of it.
The Lord wants his sons to come back to his ways,
God is merciful and does not want them alone and far away.
He knows that alone they cannot be saved,
And He makes everything so they change their bad ways.
Even with so much love, many people stay walking lost,
They have already heard, but they do not believe in this love.
They think the great love of God is only another invention,
They believe there is no God and there is no compassion.
With this thought, they keep practicing big sins,
They think they will be rewarded for their abominations.
They have a strong idea that there will never be a condemnation,
And they convince other people that God is an illusion.
In the past, this behavior against God has already been seen,
The people of Israel did not believe nor repent of their sins.
For a long time, the Lord stopped his hand and indignation,
He always gave a new opportunity to that nation.
Even the Lord being pious and not wanting to punish them,
They did not hear, and his wrath, God began to put on them.
Many people died by the sword, by the plague, and by famine,
The Lord showed that one should trust in Him and not in men.

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